Freedom Is Control By Consequences

Are we really free.  Spiritually speaking…I feel like I have a lot to say about this…but I don’t know if I really do.  It sort of says it all to me.  You have to realize you aren’t really free to even sort of get close to freedom.  You have to realize you are the sum or all your experiences and conditioning.  All of your education and your work.  All of your being lazy and of having days just being.  Of all the days you just were in your head no matter where you were….that you were alone no matter how many people were there.  The fake smiles….given because people asked us what was wrong and there was nothing wrong until they asked us.  The way people create a problem for us even when we don’t have one…then we begin to think maybe I do have one because everyone seems to be thinking that I have one.  Here’s a link to a song that may have nothing to do with any of this…


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