Hasta La Vista – Madrid!

Aberdeen Town and County History Society invite you to an evening remembering the Aberdonians who fought in the Spanish civil war.

Local councillor Neil Cooney who is presenting the talk will take us back to the turbulent 1930’s when the brave citizens of Aberdeen not only cleared the streets of the city of Fascists, but then went on and fought against Franco and Hitler’s war machine in what is now looked upon as the first acts of World War II and the first major resistance to Fascism in Europe.

There was a time when fascism was not tolerated in Aberdeen.

And as the fascists are raising their heads in the city once more talks and events like these hold ever more importance for us today and for future generations.

Fascists will always need a target, be it Jewish, Gypsy, people of colour, homosexual or Muslim. They strive to divide the working class at the bequest of their paymasters. Is it any surprise we find out our newest far right groups (the EDL & BFP) are sponsored by shady millionaires like Alan Lake and Ann Marchini.

click for more info(MSM):

And as we now also have National Front members in our community councils it would be nice to think that the people of Aberdeen will start  to remember their own history better and be proud of it!

We need to engage and start to talk more about how we want to live, what sort of future we want and if we really want to live in a city where racists, xenophobes and peddlers of hate and lies hold any influence…

George Santayana once wrote  “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it” and it seems his words have never been more relevant than today.

Location: Aberdeen College Lecture Theatre – Gallowgate – Aberdeen

Time: Tuesday 13th November 19:30

A small admission charge of £2 for non members covers tea & coffee costs.

We hope to see you there.

No Pasaran!

‘And if we live to be a hundred
We’ll have this to be glad about
We went to Spain!
Became the great yesterday
We are part of the great tomorrow