In the London borough of Greenwich, specifically the ward of Kidbrooke with Hornfair, white supremacist Nicholas Scanlon is running for councillor in the upcoming local elections in May 2022. You may recognise his name – he has previously featured in our article on the latest failed Generation Identity spinoff “Identity England” and in our Spotter sheet for British “Identitarians”. This attempt to thumb his way into local politics is not …

A White Supremacist is Running for Election in Greenwich READ MORE » » » »

Better access to smartphones, social media platforms, livestreaming services and fundraising tools have catalysed a significant shift in the way that fascists organise and spread their hate. Specifically, these tools have paved the way for an emerging network of far-right ‘grifters’. defines a ‘grifter’ as ‘a swindler, dishonest gambler, or the like.’ This definition can be applied to many on the far right following the ‘social media influencer’ model, …

Far Right Grifters: A Brief Introduction READ MORE » » » »

[CW: descriptions of holocaust denial, racial slurs and racially-motivated attacks] So Richard Edmonds is dead. Reports from inner circles say that he was found yesterday on the floor of his home by fellow neo-nazi activist Paul Ballard (National Front, BNP, Combat 18) having lain dead for 2 days. His final public appearance had only been on the National Front zoom meeting that took place on the 20th, which means he …

Richard Edmonds of the National Front is dead, and the world is now a slightly better place. READ MORE » » » »