The Focus E15 Mothers Occupation of Residential Property on Carpenters Estate Ended on the 6th October.
The campaign has done an excellent job of exposing Newham Council’s hypocrisy in saying that there is no housing for them in Newham, by occupying a block of four flats on an estate that has 600 empty properties. Now, having achieved their aims perfectly, the occupation has come to a peaceful end and the flats have been returned to the council, two of them in a far better condition than they were.
The support for their protest has been enormous and universal (with the obvious exception of Sir Robin Wales – Mayor of Newham) and the media coverage has been excellent, reaching millions worldwide through many newspapers, TV channels, magazines and the like.
More information from them is available at:
Please support them in any way you can.
With a truly grass roots movement achieving yet another victory over section 144 of LASPO 2012 (the residential anti-squatting law), and the housing crisis worsening, more and more people may be considering something along these lines in their area. ASS would of course be happy to give legal and practical advice and support.
In the words of Sam and Jasmin – This is the beginning of the end of the housing crisis.