Judge Judy Moments

The Zimmerman Trial seems to be having its Judge Judy moments. Most of the people commenting on this trial have made much of this young woman’s testimony and demeanour and are shocked, shocked…..but those of us who have watched a bit of Judge Judy are already completely familiar with the type. They come in all colours , too, so do not be accusing me of being racist.  Inarticulate to the point of incomprehensibility in their own language, bored, entitled, unable to concentrate. Drugged up, even, and not in a nice way. I am an overweight fat bastard myself and would be the first to admit it but she is only 19 years old, FFS.  No one should have to be that fat at that age…..it is really going to wreck your life.

It is probably not her fault.  If there were only one of her it would not be a problem. At the risk of being accused of being nationalistic, I reckon our English underclass is a cut above, if a lot worse dressed and turned out.

I do not really know what I am trying to say either. It just makes me sad. Sad for them and sad for the rest of us.



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