Those Crazy Kids!



All right. I’ll come clean. I do read the Daily Mail. It is on-line and it is free and it has photographs of Kim Kardashian’s tushy. One day I hope to find out who Kim Kardashian is.
However, I read it in the same way that Agent Kay read the National Enquirer in “Men in Black”. Not so much because it contains any truth but it can contain clues to what is going on, even if it cannot get anywhere close to reporting it correctly.

So it will be with this story.

Now, I am by no means sure that ADHD and all its alphabet soup of related “disorders”  , “syndromes” and “deficiencies” are entirely made up medicalisations of bad behaviour, low intelligence or  lack of a guiding morality, but I suspect a lot of it is , especially when the medical diagnosis comes with the qualifier “borderline”.

Even if this is the case,  personally I am reasonably comfortable with parents, should they prove incapable or unwilling or unable to curb their children’s behaviour,  going along with the idea of medicating the apples of their eye, even if there is a fair chance they will as a result be medicated in some way for the rest of their lives and that the rest of us will end up having to pay, handsomely, for that outcome.

No, the thing that causes me concern is that no real wider debate was ever held as to whether this was a GOOD THING generally, or not. And so here we are where we are…hundreds of thousands pilled right up…every day.

Meanwhile, elsewhere in the world of young people…the “War Against Drugs” is rigorously (or perhaps not so rigorously…but that is another matter) pursued.

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