Mad Axemen


Estwing 16 inch Camp axe

It all started with a Skype call from the Sage of Withington. He wanted something, of course, just like almost everybody who ever calls me. This time he asked if I could scour the Web and obtain for him a particular  axe  to take camping. He wanted an Estwing 16 inch Camp Axe. He is a joiner and has used one of their indestructible hammers for years. Now..the Estwing is a formidable piece of kit. All one lump of forged steel from one end to the other. You would be lucky to find one for under £40.00….but…

……..if you are looking for axes…you have got to go and have a look at Ronnie Sunshine’s web site. I told him I would get him his Estwing if he really wanted but not until he had had a look around Ronnie’s.

He came back some time later with a decision. The Granfors Bruks Small Forest Axe, a Norse Saga of an axe. A beautifully balanced poem in hand-forged (each axe head is individually initialled by the craftsman who made it) razor sharp Swedish carbon steel and oiled hickory from a firm with a 100 years of history in axe-making. It cost him an extra £20 more than he was originally going to spend but what do you reckon?


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Visit the forge.

This has been my first post relating to sharp edged pieces of kit….it will certainly not be the last.

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