More Economics of the Madhouse – Ebay

I really am struggling with the present day definition of “value” as determined by Ebay and, I suppose , by the “market”.


 click for better view

Above is a bike I have recently put on Ebay. It is a cracker. Immaculately maintained, ready to ride and give years more comfortable service. I have listed it twice and no one will give me £80 for it. I should not be surprised, because someone has also just given me this Trek bike below, that was sitting in their garage because someone had given it to them. Nothing needed doing to it except a dusting and a bit of air in the tyres. I doubt if I could get anyone to give me £80 for this on Ebay either.


click for a better view

What is this object, I hear you ask?


It is a click-in bracket for fitting a basket on the handlebars of the Trek bike…the basket is lost so it is of no use to me. I put it on Ebay and sold it for £7.50.

I bought this in a boot fair a couple of weeks ago for a quid.


Because it said Laguiole on it and people on Ebay are potty about Laguiole. Some Laguiole products are very nice. Others are rubbish. This  is rubbish, really. You can see it is. Someone paid £21.00 for it.

I really do not understand.

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