Category Archives: Uncategorized

Callout for contributions to Affinity booklet

Black Iris Press are a small, DIY publishing collective who produce a zine series called Affinity, conceived as a space for critical discussion and personal reflection on different strategies for resisting and struggling against the dominant culture. We have decided … Continue reading

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Affinity – issue #4: patriarchy

This is the fourth issue of Affinity, exploring the importance of challenging patriarchy in our struggle against the dominant culture. Many thanks to the contributors. The pdf can be found here. Please be warned, this zine includes descriptions of sexual … Continue reading

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Affinity – issue#3: mental health

The third issue of Affinity explores the complexities of mental health, providing two personal perspectives on how the struggle to maintain a healthy mind can affect our battles for dignity and freedom against a sick society. A pdf copy can … Continue reading

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Dangerous Conversations

Dangerous Conversations is a project born out of the struggle to end systems of domination. Our involvement in movements described as anarchist, activist, horizontalist, and so on has been at times inspiring and at other times disillusioning and frustrating. This … Continue reading

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Affinity – issue#2: violence

Here is the second issue of Affinity, exploring the role of violence in resisting the dominant culture from three different perspectives. Subsequent issues will cover the topics of patriarchy and mental health. We very much welcome contributions which can be … Continue reading

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Affinity – issue #1: privilege

The first issue of Affinity, an irregular zine providing space for analysis and critical reflection on strategies for resisting the dominant culture, is now available in both print and online formats. A pdf of the zine can be found here … Continue reading

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