AktiviX Services Overview
AktiviX offers mailboxes, owncloud, vpn, mailing lists, satusnet and, through its sister project, blogs.
By applying to any one of the services aktivix provides, you are agreeting to Aktivix Social Contract, https://aktivix.org/more
Mailboxes, or electronic mail, email.
You need a person with an aktivix email address to vouch for you. There are a few reasons for that, one of them to limit the risk of spammers abusing the server and as a result rendering it useless for the rest of us to the minimum.
Even so, we have been blocked by other providers like hotmail, as a result of some of our users falling for a fishing attack. So – do not give your password to any one who pretends to be your friendly aktivix admin. We will never ask you for your password.
When we set up your email address you receive an automated email, but basically, you should login to webmail via https://aktivix.org with your user name, which is the bit before @aktivix.org (excluding that), and you should change the password you have been given to something difficult to guess by others but easy for you to remember.
owncloud, is linked to your email address. To get vpn, you need to get an email address. You log in to it with the same user name and password as your email address, loggin at: https://owncloud.aktivix.org
virtual private network VPN is linked to your email address too. You need to request it from your aktivix email address and you will receive an email with a file and instructions.
satusnet can federate with mastodon, which works a bit like twitter but without the corporate power grabbing and with federation. You log in to this on https://indy.im You need a separate invitation for this server from an existing user, whether you or they have an aktivix email address or not.
mailing lists and blogs are more open than the services mentioned already. All you need is a request, a short explanation of the purpose of your list and an agreement to abide to the social contractt.
Blogs can be requested through the blog site, https://network23.org