Hazards 2016 Booking form: http://www.hazardscampaign.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/hazconf2016bookingform.pdf
Please promote the conference as much as you can ensure your safety reps have got the the information by e-mail, with weblink, or printed forms via regional offices.
Please encourage Safety Reps to sort out their delegate fee with their branches and get your Booking Forms off to us as soon as possible.
Places going fast BUT there is time. We are extending the deadline from 8th July to 18th July. Plenty of time but do not delay!
Download the form or contact us hazconf@gmhazards.org.uk
Pass the message on to your colleagues and other trade unionists.
Hazards 2016 – you will want to be there so do not miss it, act NOW!
Finalised programme due soon but we have good speakers, great workshops and good fringe meetings.
Hilda Palmer
Acting Chair of National Hazards Campaign
Facilitator of Families Against Corporate Killers
Coordinator of Greater Manchester Hazards Centre
Windrush Millennium Centre
70 Alexandra Road
M16 7WD
0161 636 7557
Twitter: @hazardscampaign and @HildaPalmer
We Didn’t Vote to Die at Work
Families Against Corporate Killers