curre and llangibby on the run

A visit to the Curre & Llangibby hunt has been overdue so on Saturday we met up with sabs from Bath, South Wales and Southampton to remind them we’re never far away.

Last time this hunt was sabbed, the huntsman was masked up and they even accused us of killing twenty of their hounds to cover up their blatant illegal hunting next to a main road.

Today was a different story, as soon as the hunt clapped eyes on three vehicles full of sabs, they took off deep into forestry commission land (of which they are not allowed on) to lose us. We did well to keep eyes on them and whenever we got close, they would bolt away from us.

At one point we were watching the huntsman off his horse, walking the hounds through a kale field whilst the terriermen were off their quads at the back of the field. As we got closer, they took off again. We soon found they were next to a badger sett so it was more than likely that a fox had just taken cover there.

Whilst our group patrolled the area after the hunt, South Wales sabs were at work confronting and packing up a lone shooter out to kill foxes. We will raise a glass to their sterling efforts tonight.

The Curre were packing up not long after and we were off home. We will be visiting this hunt again soon…

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