Abyei Solidarity Night at The Factory Social Centre (2-8 Cave Street, off Portland Square) on Wednesday 1st June. 7pm
The Government of Sudan bombed Abyei & surrounding villages, invaded the town and displaced tens of thousands of people to nearby areas where they have no shelter at the peak of the rainy season. The aim is genocide. One Dinka Ngok described the situation to me as follows: “By displacing our people at the peak of the rain season, has the wild intention of wiping out the entire Ngok Dinka population and to give the land to the Messiriaya. By exposing our people to torential rains ,disease,starvation and homelessness at this part of the year is tantamount to genocide”.
The meeting will include eyewitness accounts from people who have themselves suffered the loss of children, dwellings, homelands, etc over the last few days. Hopefully we will be able to discuss how to best support the Dinka Ngok in the immediate future, especially as diaspora try to organise fundraising for emergency shelters and provisions (not being provided by NGOs, unsurprisingly) so they are not wiped out and have the chance to return to their homelands and negotiate with Misseriya for land rights etc rather than the Government of Sudan using the Misseriya as part of a drive to ethnically cleanse the Ngok.