Fortnightly Picket of Trinity Rd Police Station

Next Picket Tues 17th Feb 10.00-11.00am

Because instead of signing at the immgration office, Those resident in    Bristol without secure immigration status, are forced to sign at Trinity Rd   Police Station. They do this weekly, fortnightly or monthly. Sometimes whole   families have to attend. However, some of the migrants never come out after   signing. This is beause immigration enforcement officers are hiding behind   the  desk at Trinity Rd , initially to detain those whose presence has been   suddenly declared illegal in the UK. They are then either taken to a  detention   centre, for later removal, or in some cases, taken straight to the airport to face   an uncertain future, possibly to a country where they are in danger.

On a number of occasions, people have accompanied those who are in danger   of removal to the police station. We think that a large number people greatly   reduces the risk that this will happen, as probably neither Avon and Somerset   Police nor the British Immigration Agency want to provoke a public order   situation in the middle of an area with a relatively high migrant population.

However, by our regular presence outside the Police Station we simply   want to  show our solidarity with all who are forced to sign their – we   want to tell them  they can fight deportation if they want to stay.

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