Tag Archives: caic

Amey Workers: A Legal Defeat, A Moral Victory

You may remember the demos we held in Bristol and Oxford last year. Well, perhaps inevitably, they lost there legal battle, but as the article below says, having rejected the easy way out and a pay off of £3000 the … Continue reading

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Details of mitie-immigration raid

“When she arrived in this room, the manager Donna Sidley and another woman called Ivon were laughing their heads off.” Seven cleaners were detained after a raid by immigration police on 14th July, which took place with the complicity of … Continue reading

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Demo Report and more details of immigration raid

Over 70 people demonstrated outside the Willis Building in support of the detained Mitie Cleaners  – and the continued persecution of organised migrant labour. More details on raid: 7 Cleaners get detain in an immigration raid with the complicity of … Continue reading

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Picket Report – Alberto Durango

Alberto is a cleaners branch activist in Unite sacked from Schroders Bank by Lancaster cleaning company after a successful campaign against redundancies and for the living wage. He was entrapped by the company and UK Borders Agency – an increasingly … Continue reading

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Support Alberto – Victimised for being Foreign and Unionised

SOLIDARITY PROTEST AT ALBERTO DURANGO’S APPEAL AGAINST DISMISSAL Mr Durango, who is a prominent campaigner for migrant workers’ union rights, was hauled away by police and immigration agents after he turned up for a meeting with his bosses at the … Continue reading

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Amey Demo Reports 8th Dec

amey demo(s) reports oxford and newcastle In September 2008 five Colombian cleaners working for Amey Plc at the National Physical Laboratory were suspended for daring to criticise Amey for putting an excessive workload onto ever fewer staff, for unilaterally changing … Continue reading

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Amey offices entered as campaign for sacked colombian cleaners grows

More than twenty protestors entered the offices of Amey Plc in High Holborn on Friday in protest at the sacking of five Colombian cleaners and the rejection of their appeal. The protesters entered the office building to give a petition … Continue reading

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November 20th 2008: Shut down BMI Airlines day. Remember Babi! http://noborderswales.wordpress.com/ Everyday, an average of 180 migrants are deported from the UK. That’s one person every eight minutes. They haven’t done anything wrong. Solidarity Without Borders Fri 21st Nov & … Continue reading

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