Tag Archives: migrant

The Politics of Forced Labour

The recent trial of a group of Irish Travellers (or Parvee) accused of forcing vulnerable people into forced labour or slavery unsurprisingly hit the headlines. A perfect reactionary story, a specific instance distorting the wider truth: that in fact that … Continue reading

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Cafe & Film Night – 21st February

Bristol No Borders takes its turn in hosting the Sunday vegan cafe at Kebele social centre (14 Robertson Rd, Easton BS5 6JY) As well as a delicious vegan meal and an opportunity to hang out socially, we’ll be film screening…. … Continue reading

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Bristol No Borders Winter Do! – Food and Films

As the days get shorter and the wind gets stronger …….. Bristol No Borders takes its turn in hosting the Sunday vegan cafe at Kebele social centre Sunday 6th November @ Kebele, 14 Robertson Rd, Easton BS5 6JY As well … Continue reading

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More Evidence That "Sex Trafficking" is A Myth

By Nathalie Rothschild From Spiked Magazine At the beginning of April, just days before the European Convention on Action against Human Trafficking came into force in Britain, academics, sex workers and activists from around the world took part in a … Continue reading

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November 20th 2008: Shut down BMI Airlines day. Remember Babi! http://noborderswales.wordpress.com/ Everyday, an average of 180 migrants are deported from the UK. That’s one person every eight minutes. They haven’t done anything wrong. Solidarity Without Borders Fri 21st Nov & … Continue reading

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