Tag Archives: no borders

Blockade of Detention Centre, Brugge, Belgium

Film from one of two actions on 31st October: [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZMIEvFyqQ8&hl=en_GB&fs=1&]

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Calais – Humanitarian Crisis

The weather has turned in the last few days – by day the winds are chilling and by night the first frosts creep in. In Calais, since the camps nicknamed the ‘Jungle’ have been destroyed, large numbers of those waiting … Continue reading

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New Calais Zine and Blog: Out Now !

An excellent new Zine about the fucking awful situation in Calais and the resistance to the repression can be found here: calais-94 or here Extract : Rasheed. This is the second time Rasheed has tried to move to England, his … Continue reading

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Athens Town Hall Occupied After Police Murder Migrant

STATEMENT FROM THE OCCUPIED TOWN HALL OF NIKAIA Four-hundred demonstrators marched together today, October 17, on the streets of Nikaia in a demonstration of rage for the recent assassination of 25-year old Pakistani migrant Mohammad Atif Kamran, who passed away … Continue reading

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Lesvos No Border Camp : Detention Centre Roof Occupation

This morning at 10 o’clock, ten noborder activists from Austria, Sweden, Spain, France, Czech Republik, Portugal, the Netherlands and Germany occupied the roof of the refugee jail in Pagani. With this action, we are increasing the pressure to finally get … Continue reading

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Details of mitie-immigration raid

“When she arrived in this room, the manager Donna Sidley and another woman called Ivon were laughing their heads off.” Seven cleaners were detained after a raid by immigration police on 14th July, which took place with the complicity of … Continue reading

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Resistance to Deportations :Lesvos, Greece

Lesvos: Solidarity gathering blocks and prevents the deportation of 62 migrants The following news comes from Mytilini, where a NoBorders Camp is set to take place on August 25-31. In the bosses’ world, we are all foreigners. A participant’s account, … Continue reading

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Europe to be "cleansed" of Sans Papiers?

With the burning and clearing of the main migrant camp in Patras, Greece (see article below) it seems there is a Europe-Wide attack on those without the luck to have a EU-Passport.On Tuseday next week the make-shifts camp whoch the … Continue reading

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French Authorities Bulldoze Dunkirk Migrant Camp

WHY WE ARE GOING TO CALAIS: Wednesday June 17th: These images may look like they are taken in Palestine, but they are in fact from just across the Channel. (report is google translation) Wednesday June 17 to 9:00 am, the … Continue reading

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Calais No Borders Camp – Bristol Events

Local Gigs, Talk, films and Breakfast Thursday 4th June, from 7.30pm Anarchist Hip Hop frrom San Fransisco and Bristol @ The Plough, Easton, Bristol Saturday 6th June: Calais Solidarity Breakfast@ Kebele 11.00am-2.00pm (including free arabic crash course) Thursday 11th June: … Continue reading

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