

Seattle, WA


I didn’t fight for an egalitarian society until several years ago. I was tricked into participating in a racist, religious, sexist, abelist, homophobic, classist, patriarchal society that discriminated against me and my peer. Then I learned about an alternative world that is fighting for the betterment of society and the world. One that treasures the earth and wants to crush the capitalist society that feeds on innocent workers. Obviously this fight has been going on for quite a while, but after the 2008 collapse, the failures of the Capitalist Democratic Party Led by Barack Obama that had promise to end the endless wars in the Iraq, to end the torture facility of Guantanamo Bay and to fight for our freedoms online just turned out to be another tool for the oligarchic society that we live in where 1% of the population owns more than 99% of society. And then there was WTO protests, the Occupy wall Street Movement and the gains of Socialist Alternative leader Kshama Sawant that showed that freedom was distant but possible if we fight together.

I see a community college in three ways. As a previous worker of a community college I saw the harsh ways in which workers are given below living wages and poor working conditions. And as a student I saw the powerlessness of students to campaign for fair educational opportunities. Lastly, I saw how unresponsive the administration was to change and democratic involvement.

I have come to realize that the only solution to end this systematic oppression is Socialism. Now that Socialist Alternative has showed itself to be a legitimate workers’ party with the increase in minimum wage to 15/hour, action with Black Lives Matter, and fighting for rent control I am glad to be a member. Join now at http://socialistalternative.org/



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