The Great Internet Slowdown!

Urgent action alert: September 10th is the Internet Slowdown, a creative online action to defend net neutrality. This is our moment to get everyone to understand what’s at stake.

Got a website, blog, app, or Tumblr? Click here to participate.

Everyone else, we need you to help make this huge! Click here to share this image on Social Media!



If you woke up tomorrow, and your internet looked like the above what would you do?

Imagine all your favorite websites taking forever to load, while you get annoying notifications from your ISP suggesting you switch to one of their approved “Fast Lane” sites.


Think about what we would lose: all the weird, alternative, interesting, and enlightening stuff that makes the Internet so much cooler than mainstream Cable TV. What if the only news sites you could reliably connect to were the ones that had deals with companies like Comcast and Verizon?

On September 10th, just a few days before the FCC’s comment deadline, public interest organizations are issuing an open, international call for websites and internet users to unite for an “Internet Slowdown” to show the world what the web would be like if Team Cable gets their way and trashes net neutrality.

We need everyone on board for this. Got a website or blog? Find out how the slowdown works and how you can join here:

If you don’t have a website, you are still part of this! Here’s a quick list of things you can do to help in the Battle For The Net.

This isn’t about how quickly our cat videos load, it’s about the future of our ability to communicate, to learn, to create, and to rebel. It’s about the future of humanity.


The SOPA blackout proved that even concentrated monopoly and government power is no match for the power of people’s voices connected and amplified by the free and open web.


That power is one of the few things we have in this fight for the future. This could be one of our last chances to defend it. If we lose it, we lose a lot more than just the Internet. If we win, we win a lot more than just streaming video. The stakes are high and we should be acting like it.

The Internetz is counting on each and every one of us to act, let’s not let it down!

See you on the 10th September.

Thanks Dave, (& EE)

So I’m banned from EE thanks to our Dave’s big idea of ‘porn filters’. Which anyone that knows anything about them could’ve told him they don’t work, also barring many other sites into the bargain. But oh, here’s an idea that’ll no doubt get me labeled a conspiracy theorist…that was the whole point to begin with, wasn’t it Dave? Keep the voices of consent to minimum eh?

Daves obviously never heard of VPN’s!

What is it with these ‘days’?

I knew it! When I went out to grab some breakfasty bits earlier I noticed a lot of our new middle class interlopers out on their doorsteps selling their originally overpriced ‘nik naks’ and others milling around even more than usual but just thought to myself, “hmmm, skinny latte prices must have shot up recently”. Then a little later I thought, “hold on, there’s far too many out for it not to be a nice little middle class ‘day’ and afterall they can’t do bugger all without a ‘day’ to be seen behind” but then I told myself I was being mean and to behave…..but lo and behold I was right all along! The moral being always trust me when I slag off Hackney’s middle class interlopers and trust fund hipsters, I am invariably right.


The Freak Show that is called television!

Now unlike a lot of people I know I don’t have anything in particular against television. I don’t think it’s going rot your brain, turn you into a mouthpiece for the government, cause you to become a compulsive purchaser  or any of the other nonsense people spout about the ‘evils of television’, unless you’re too daft or too lazy to realise when you’re being fed shit or unless of course you want to. I know but I’m convinced those people exist!

So usually I wouldn’t bother writing about television but more and more recently I’ve sitting here with my partner and our cat relaxing after a hard day doing whatever I do to think I’ve had a hard day in front the telly thinking, ‘what the fuck has happened to the programming schedules’?

I mean it’s become a freak show on there, the latest version being ‘What Happens in Kavos’. Now it’s not something that I’d normally bother watching but after hearing about it on the radio and reading some online pieces about it I decided to torrent an episode last night and take a look, and to be honest there’s nothing there that shocked or surprised me but it’s the latest way to shame the working classes back into their housing benefit hovels or at least the Daily Fail would like to see it that way. Reporting on this latest offering by Channel Four that are fast becoming the leaders in the Freak Show stakes they claim that Channel Four have, ‘suspended filming of a documentary series about hedonistic British holiday-makers in Corfu after it was accused of targeting young British girls holidaying in Kavos who have unprotected sex. A 20-strong team of filmakers were flown back to Britain last night after it was alleged that producers of What Happens In Kavos had offered their staff a prize if they could find drunken women using the morning-after-pill as contraception. Furious Channel Four bosses recalled the production team at Dragonfly productions and are reportedly ‘breathing fire’ down the necks of the company’s top brass’. Who will no doubt in turn ‘breath fire’ down the necks of those below them etc etc

According to the Channel Four website ‘the program follows young Brits over a summer in Kavos, to get a glimpse of what happens in the hedonistic party town away from parents and surrounded by temptation, for the 400 or so Brits working at the resort that means night after night of heavy drinking, casual sex and low pay’! Sounds like a typical Channel Four program to me. It goes on, ‘the few hundred workers soon go on to become a very distinct breed, prone to injuries and often needing the services of the local clinic’ ‘The 3 part series was a hit with the 16-34 year old audience and shows 1 and 2 were the most tweeted about shows on the nights they were aired’, (although the ‘most tweeted’ from which selection of televisual offerings is anyones guess and this promotional scribble is worse than the unemployment figures for twisting the facts!) ‘Producers promise series two will delve deeper into the lives of those that went to Kavos to look for hedonism on a budget’…Phwor! Wot!

Hmmmm? So after that little teaser I suspect Channel Four doth protest a little too much though, or maybe they don’t watch their own channel? All it is now is freak shows and game shows. I looked on their website for the couple of minutes I could bear the other night and I came up with…..

(oh, and these are all actual programs. I’m not making this up)

Hairy Women

The Boy Who’s Skin Fell Off

Body Shock‘, the description goes, ‘a jaw dropping romp through the most shocking body transformations the world has ever seen. From people that want to build up their muscles to the point of bursting to the man who gave birth or those that tattoo, pierce, chop and scar their bodies in the name of body modification’.

50 Greatest Plastic Surgery Shockers

The Idiot Awards

Playing It Straight‘, ‘a gameshow that throws down the ultimate gaydar challenge, with money at stake for the man that can play it straight

and of course not to forget the evergreen

Embarrasing Bodies

They sound the kind of shows you’d expect to see in a comedy as a running gag or something but these are actual shows being beamed into our living rooms. Maybe I should have another think about how I feel about telly after all.





Furious Channel 4 bosses recalled the production team at Dragonfly productions, the company commissioned to make the series, and are reportedly ‘breathing fire’ down the necks of the company’s top brass.



Squatting in Europe – available for free PDF download & hard copy purchase now.

There’s a new book on squatting in Europe available for free download now, due for shop release in Autumn 2013…..BUT…it would be REALLY cool if you could buy a hard copy & help them out now, & it’s £6 cheaper than it will be in the shops….

….solidarity ‘n’ all that innit!


You can download it here for free now or take a trip to the link below to find out more.







Stop G8….and a thought or two.


So June is  almost on us, wow! So I’m gonna do the british thing & say in mock shock “where’s the year so far gone?”….but don’t worry I won’t start banging on about the weather…promise!

Anyway, in light of the above I’d like to direct you to another network23 site that’s a good source of information on everything G8:

….and now for some thoughts of mine on the whole ‘stop this/stop this’ thing….

I gotta say although I support & will doing my bit during the ‘Stop the G8’ week of action I do wish we could stop calling them ‘STOP the’s’ when it comes to the ‘G’ conferences. We ain’t gonna stop it, how many times have we tried? Why not start to be honest with ourselves and the powers that be & use something like…’Make G8 as fuckin difficult as possible for the powers that be and all the slimy bastard hangers on until we weaken them enough that the rest of the public get on it & we can stop it once & for all’?

Hmmm, don’t sound quite as sexy ‘n’ snappy does it? Guess we’re just victims of media fashions afterall too! But ya get my drift eh?




The Great ‘Kensington & Chelsea’ population (un)explosion!

Watching ‘Is Britain Overcrowded?’ on ITV1 just now, I noticed the London borough of ‘Kensington & Chelsea’ was 2nd highest on the list of areas that are actually in decline population wise.

Strange you may think that a borough in the center of London with some really fabulous property in areas such as Notting Hill, Kings Road, Holland Park etc should be going through a decline of population, especially when you consider in the rest of town we’re packing them in like sardines!

Well no actually not surprising really when you remember that most of property is being bought up by foreign investors, investment companies and the like. This is one of the first areas going through this appalling practice. But unless we act fast and do something it won’t be the last!

We are being sold to highest bidder & right now that happens to be Russian oligarchs and Middle Eastern sheiks. Where and how we live has ended up at the mercy(?) of the ‘markets’ and the capitalist bullshit that goes along with them!

This needs to stop or we will end up purely and ONLY as an investment opportunity for the rich of elsewhere that probably couldn’t point to London on a map, let alone one of it’s boroughs, an asset on a spreadsheet to be forgotten about until???? While we fight amongst ourselves for the few remaining places that people actually want to live, accusing those different to us and feeding the poisonous right wing filth that prey and breed in such times for the scraps from their tables…..