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Count Me Out
We are a network who oppose the arms company Lockheed Martin’s involvement in the 2011 census.
We are bringing together groups and individual people from across the UK that oppose the census for a variety of reasons, to come together and share information and support.
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Tag Archives: Deborah Glass Woodin
Hundreds being prosecuted for census non-compliance (plus court updates)
CLICK HERE FOR UP TO DATE COURT INFORMATION According to a recent article in The Friend, at least 400 are being prosecuted for failing to complete the 2011 census. We can safely assume that these won’t all be for conscientious … Continue reading
Ongoing court-cases for census refusers
CLICK HERE FOR UP TO DATE COURT INFORMATION A number of court-cases for census refusers are now underway. Below we publish a list of some of the defendants’ case details, shared with us by the NoCONcensus campaign group: Thursday 8th … Continue reading
Posted in General
Tagged arms trade, Census 2011, census refuser, court case, Deborah Glass Woodin, Lockheed Martin, NoCONcensus, Roger Grenville, Sarah Ledsom