UPDATE FOR CONTEXT: This post was made originally in response to someone suspecting that AG = Ryan before it was confirmed by JP and BD. http://www.reddit.com/user/I_Feel_ . Both the comment to which I replied and my reply itself were deleted by the mods. The reply is still available in my user history.
That was suspected months ago. Here’s a conversation I had with Sporklin on 7/30/2014. Look towards the bottom where I call out Alex as being Ryan, right after she was set up to confirm moofuck’s LOL identity so it could be compared with Ryan’s steam profile.
More context: This conversation starts off about Sporklin’s firing as a mod of the dogecoin subreddit. She emailed me the transcript from her firing. It is now posted at/r/notDogecoinFUD in several posts, the chat log below picks up after reading the firing transcript (btw, Sporklin’s email address is freedomreignsalways (at) gmail, the name associated with the email address is “Fishing Stick.” Kind of an odd name for a girl – she also said she went to college in Florida or was from Florida).
21:27] <__FeltPen> that was a hell of a read.
[21:27] * Sporklin nods
[21:27] <__FeltPen> i was a little lost.
[21:27] <__FeltPen> saw my name in there a few times.
[21:27] * Sporklin smiles
[21:28] <__FeltPen> do you blame me for the getting the guillotine?
[21:29] <Sporklin> Depends
[21:30] <__FeltPen> on what, the day?
[21:30] <__FeltPen> are you mad/do you hold a grudge?
[21:31] <__FeltPen> Well, I’ll say this, I thought you might see the information, I had no idea what would happen beyond that. you’re much more fun to play w/ as a mod.
[21:32] <Sporklin> I knew there would be lashback for standing up to mumzie and goodshibe even if it was for the devs to remain free. Did I expect it to be that cost? No. Given there had only been one issue at all, which was cleared. I was the only mod to disclose tips, friendships all of it.
[21:32] <__FeltPen> Mumize is an idiot.
[21:33] <__FeltPen> Would you like me to doxx her for you?
[21:33] <Sporklin> Everyone sees her as a saint.
[21:33] <Sporklin> No because we do not become the bad guys to fight the bad guys.
[21:33] <Sporklin> There are issues on the mod team but they were not where people thought they were.
[21:33] <__FeltPen> Oh? She has people see her exactly as she wants them to see her. I know all about her.
[21:34] <__FeltPen> I know her real name, its not the one stated on DD
[21:34] * Sporklin blinks
[21:35] <__FeltPen> Hate to do this to you again, but i have to go. Will be back.
[21:35] * Sporklin nods
[21:35] <__FeltPen> Here’s a clue – do you like catfish?
[21:35] <Sporklin> No
[21:35] * Sporklin scowls
[21:36] <__FeltPen> search “Manti Te’o” + “catfish”
[21:36] <Sporklin> Aye I know that
[21:37] <Sporklin> http://discuss.dogecoin.com/discussion/369/announcing-new-dogecoin-foundation
[21:37] <Sporklin> True or false
[21:48] <__FeltPen> there is evidence to suggest false. there is evidence to suggest true. the fact that there’s evidence to suggest false is interesting.
[21:53] <Sporklin> Still not allowed to dox because mean and I get enough fallout lol
[22:00] <__FeltPen> ok
[22:00] <__FeltPen> its an amazing rabbit hole, though.
[22:02] <__FeltPen> what if i were to tell you that she’s a known internet con artist?
[22:02] <__FeltPen> and there’s a whole website about her?
[22:03] * Sporklin frowns
[22:04] <__FeltPen> ok, you dont want to know. i can take a hint
[22:04] <Sporklin> Part of me wants to the other part says how sure of it
[22:05] <__FeltPen> its a theory and requires an inference.
[22:05] <__FeltPen> its more fun than the other fakes out there
[22:06] <Sporklin> Not good
[22:06] <__FeltPen> don’t follow
[22:06] <__FeltPen> ?
[22:06] <Sporklin> That there would be doubt given she is on the foundation board is more than a little disturbing.
[22:07] <Sporklin> I was aware she quite cut throat, as is Goodshibe but the extent to which was alarming honestly especially given I even have my limits.
[22:07] <__FeltPen> She may be debbie.
[22:07] <__FeltPen> I just have my doubts.
[22:09] <__FeltPen> Same goes for all the mods, though. Everyone is secretive about who they are.
[22:09] <Sporklin> They all get bitten
[22:10] <__FeltPen> Who should be bitten first?
[22:10] <Sporklin> Most have already been bitten tis why they are so secretive honestly
[22:10] <__FeltPen> That’s not a serous question.
[22:11] * Sporklin sits
[22:11] <Sporklin> The fall out from that?
[22:11] <__FeltPen> *was not
[22:11] <__FeltPen> Fall out from what?
[22:12] <Sporklin> Billy left the slack and has no contacts with those people, we still talk. Langer, Ross, and Lleti stepped down from modding. Adam pulled his going back to modding.
[22:12] <Sporklin> The say that I apparently stepped down
[22:13] <Sporklin> day^
[22:14] <__FeltPen> Are you really upset about not modding? That’s a sincere question. I take the sub as a bit of joke, but you seem down in the dumps about it.
[22:14] <Sporklin> The way it was done was a shit show.
[22:15] <__FeltPen> I can see that.
[22:17] <Sporklin> I got beaten against for being transparent, open and involved in the community beyond reddit. I was defending the devs right to be free I bashed into higher people. Even if the founders agreed with me there was going to be fallout…However don’t make up shit to slit my throat, that was not needed
[22:17] * Sporklin shrugs
[22:17] <__FeltPen> hmmm. Sorry.
[22:18] <__FeltPen> What’s the solution?
[22:19] <Sporklin> Since then those accusations have been here thanks to chairdoge, amongst the devs. Which has had issues given I do deal with a lot of privy stuff.
[22:20] <__FeltPen> What accusations?
[22:20] <Sporklin> There is not one. Every day since it has been me telling people to behave the same as I do, to get the coredevs not to step down, dealing with investors, still helping the companies I do.
[22:20] <Sporklin> That I was using privy information against people.
[22:20] <__FeltPen> I thought that was cdeverrette or whatever
[22:21] <Sporklin> Chairdoge is former PR group one of mumzies cherished people. He hates me with a firey burning retard passion lol
[22:21] <Sporklin> brb angry small
[22:55] <Sporklin> How can so much stuff come out of something so small
[23:03] <__FeltPen> too much food
[23:23] <__FeltPen> are you still cleaning up poop?
[23:31] <Sporklin> It went everywhere
[23:31] <Sporklin> Out of like everything :|\
[23:32] <Sporklin> I say “Dont give her that it is issues later” and no apparently someone gave her chocolate milk and……….badddddddd
[23:33] <__FeltPen> i’m a sucker for bathroom humor, but it loses fun when milk is involved
[23:33] <__FeltPen> do you know about chocoloate milk?
[23:33] <Sporklin> Am I am going to be grossed out?
[23:36] <__FeltPen> i don’t know you’re tolerance level
[23:36] <Sporklin> Given I don’t drink it pretty high
[23:41] <__FeltPen> the whitest milk is not used in regular milk. chocoloate milk, at least the premixed kind, is made with milk that’s a little discolored and sometimes have hints of blood in it.
[23:42] <Sporklin> Yup no more chocolate milk
[23:44] <__FeltPen> yep
[23:44] <__FeltPen> question:
[23:44] <__FeltPen> how long have you known Ryan?
[23:45] <Sporklin> ?
[23:45] <__FeltPen> hmmmm. recalibarting.
[23:45] <__FeltPen> *recalibrating.
[23:45] <Sporklin> Give a reddit name?
[23:49] <__FeltPen> i’ll stick the real name
[23:49] <__FeltPen>
[23:49] <Sporklin> o.O
[23:51] <__FeltPen> lol.
[23:51] <Sporklin> Is male or female?
[23:51] <__FeltPen> i’m not sure how to respond
[23:51] <Sporklin> Cause it isn’t a dev for Dogecoin
[23:52] <Sporklin> Nor a mod unless the new one whom like no one knows
[23:52] <__FeltPen> oh, lobster?
[23:52] <Sporklin> Yea only thing known is he is bitey
[23:53] <__FeltPen> i just noticed today. don’t know anything about him or her
[23:54] <__FeltPen> Doesn’t PrinceOfGoats = Ryan?
[23:54] <Sporklin> Nu that is Alex o.o
[23:54] <Sporklin> Sporklin – moi course
[23:54] <Sporklin> Langer is well – langer
[23:55] <__FeltPen> O.o
[23:55] <Sporklin> League names right?
[23:55] <__FeltPen> dunno.
[23:55] <Sporklin> MrBoffinEU – Boffin
[23:55] <__FeltPen> sporklin is your name here
[23:55] <Sporklin> Yeah and league too
[23:56] <Sporklin> Reddit too
[23:56] <Sporklin> PrinceofGoats – Alex
[23:56] <__FeltPen> yes, but alex is not his name.
[23:56] * Sporklin scowls
[23:56] <__FeltPen> hi
[23:57] <__FeltPen> these are friendly questions. i told you before, you wn’t talk w/ me if i cause you problems
[23:57] <Sporklin> It’s on his paperwork, it’s what his fiancee calls him…So pretty sure it is Alex
[23:58] <__FeltPen> ok.
[23:58] <Sporklin> If it isn’t his name I might stab him in the eye, given it is everywhere o.o
[23:59] <__FeltPen> is there a doubt?
[00:00] <Sporklin> http://www.leagueofgraphs.com/summoner/euw/PRINCEOFGOATS
[00:00] <Sporklin> This yes?
[00:01] <__FeltPen> i guess so.
[00:02] <Sporklin> Yeah that is Alex
[00:03] * Sporklin runs to reddit
[00:03] <__FeltPen> http://steamcommunity.com/id/ryantehexiledkira
[00:03] <__FeltPen> why are you running?
[00:04] <Sporklin> http://www.reddit.com/r/dogecoin/comments/29uyq5/come_play_league_of_legends_with_me_langer_and/
[00:05] <Sporklin> From the drunken night that the devs and the mods were to play civ5, but the bad shit happened with mumzie so we ended up just langer, Alex, myself and Landon stopped in on the 4th of July
[00:06] <__FeltPen> so fireworks!
[00:06] <Sporklin> Planned it for two months, then KABOOM blown to shit
[00:08] <Sporklin> So we ended up in league
[00:10] <__FeltPen> ok.
[00:12] <Sporklin> So yeah princeofgoats in that context is Alex
[00:17] <Sporklin> Do I want to ask?
[00:18] <__FeltPen> i dunno
[00:18] <__FeltPen> i’m tired and delirious. catching up on all the stuff i want to aks
[00:18] <__FeltPen> ask
[00:20] <Sporklin> You save them all up to bring? haha
[00:20] <__FeltPen> i don’t save them. i jsut remember things. its a chore.
[00:21] <__FeltPen> and i’m compulsive – so i have to ask
[00:21] <__FeltPen> or it’ll be bad
[00:21] <Sporklin> Ah, why bad?
[00:21] <__FeltPen> oh, i’m just weird. would drive me crazy if i didn’t ask
[00:22] <Sporklin> If I do it I am seen as nosey
[00:23] <__FeltPen> i am nosey
[00:23] <__FeltPen> i’m ok w/ that
[00:23] <__FeltPen> you’re welcome to ask me qeustions
[00:24] <Sporklin> Do I work for moolah?
[00:24] <__FeltPen> i already know the answer
[00:24] <__FeltPen> zzzzz
[00:25] <Sporklin> You said welcome to ask questions
[00:25] <Sporklin> oys
[00:25] <__FeltPen> you’re not supposed to ask yourself questions
[00:26] <Sporklin> I was asking you tho
[00:26] <__FeltPen> oh, like i said, tired.
[00:27] <__FeltPen> i’m not sure if you’re an employee. i think you’re in the inner circle. i think the person in charge was not in that video.
[00:28] <Sporklin> submitted 11 days ago * by moolah_Still not my boss [vw]moolah.io founder
[00:28] <Sporklin> I am not in the inner anything, I am in the middle of everything however
[00:28] <__FeltPen> what’s the difference?
[00:30] <Sporklin> For better or worse. From knowing Jackson giggles and that it is adorable, to knowing that Billy kicks my ass at typing games, that when Ben is scared he will bite at his inner lip on the left side. Landon sings along when drunken to anything, Ross fights with his bed in the morning.
[00:32] <Sporklin> Actually Ross loses fights with his bed often. Leo is a pet of Autodoge, Autodoge is concerning in more than one way.
[00:32] * Sporklin shrugs
[00:32] <Sporklin> Adam is one of the nicest people I have known
[00:32] <__FeltPen> why did he leave VOS?