First Chat with The Boffin (With Commentary; typos included)

I first chatted with the Boffin on June 1, 2014. He was trying to get ahold of me after I had created the /r/notDogecoinFUD subreddit. I was a little unsure how it would would go, but I decided to have fun with it nonetheless. Therefore, I decided to only engage him by asking questions. I carried on with asking questions only for almost 20 minutes.  I learned I could fluster the Boffin a little bit pretty easily.

[21:32] <TheBoffin> Hey

[21:35] <TheBoffin> :/

[21:35] <__FeltPen> hi

[21:35] == TheBoffin is away: LoL tyme again

[21:36] <TheBoffin> are you Mr. Felt from /r/notdogecoinfud

[21:36] <TheBoffin> ?

[21:36] <__FeltPen> do you think i am?

[21:36] == TheBoffin is away: LoL tyme again

[21:37] <TheBoffin> I do, and you’ve all but confirmed it with that answer :)

[21:37] <__FeltPen> how can i help you?

[21:37] == TheBoffin is away: LoL tyme again

[21:37] <__FeltPen> why do you keep LOLing?

[21:37] == TheBoffin is away: LoL tyme again

[21:38] <TheBoffin> ?

[21:38] <__FeltPen> nm

[21:38] == TheBoffin is away: LoL tyme again

[21:38] <TheBoffin> so, I figured that you might want to ask me questions?

[21:39] <__FeltPen> why did you figure that?

[21:39] == TheBoffin is away: LoL tyme again

[21:39] <TheBoffin> you’ve made it quite clear you are not a fan

[21:40] <__FeltPen> a fan of what?

[21:40] == TheBoffin is away: LoL tyme again

[21:41] <TheBoffin> myself, Moolah, Mr. Green

[21:41] <__FeltPen> what have i said that indicates that?

[21:41] == TheBoffin is away: LoL tyme again

[21:43] <TheBoffin> nothing you ahve directly said

[21:43] <TheBoffin> have*

[21:43] <__FeltPen> what have i indirectly said?

[21:43] == TheBoffin is away: LoL tyme again

[21:43] <TheBoffin> however, your posting history has shown what looks [to me] as a definitive bais

[21:44] <__FeltPen> have you read all of the posts?

[21:44] == TheBoffin is away: LoL tyme again

[21:44] <TheBoffin> I ahve

[21:44] <TheBoffin> have

[21:44] <__FeltPen> and i’ve said nothing directly that suggests i’m not a fan?

[21:44] == TheBoffin is away: LoL tyme again

[21:45] <TheBoffin> posting my court history?

[21:45] <TheBoffin> implying that I (we) have “purchased” Sporklin?

[21:45] <__FeltPen> do you have a court history?

[21:45] == TheBoffin is away: LoL tyme again

[21:45] <TheBoffin> posting the chat log that showed the login information for the DEV linux box?

[21:46] <TheBoffin> Yes Mr. Felt, I do.  You’ve posted it in your subreddit

[21:46] <__FeltPen> did you post that log in info in a publicly accessible space?

[21:46] == TheBoffin is away: LoL tyme again

[21:46] <TheBoffin> as you are aware, i did

[21:47] <TheBoffin> however, msot that visit that channel do not have the tenacity to repost it

[21:47] <__FeltPen> is that a compliment?

[21:47] == TheBoffin is away: LoL tyme again

[21:47] <TheBoffin> :|

[21:48] <TheBoffin> What is it that you are hoping to gain from all of this?

[21:49] <__FeltPen> thinking….


Now, here’s where we get to the point of our chat. The Boffin wants to ask me for advice, or so he says. In reality, he wants to know what he can do to keep me from causing shibes to ask routine due diligence questions about Moolah. He tells me that he wants my “brutal honesty” about Moolah so that he can use the info to improve the business, including its public image. I tell him very specifically what type of transparency is needed. 

[21:49] == TheBoffin is away: LoL tyme again

[21:51] <__FeltPen> still thinking how i want to articulate what i hope to gain.

[21:51] == TheBoffin is away: LoL tyme again

[21:52] <TheBoffin> don’t worry about articulation.  It’s quite clear you are well educated, and I hold nothing against any imperfections

[21:52] <TheBoffin> I’ve come to you for brutal honesty :)

[21:53] <__FeltPen> you want the truth?

[21:53] == TheBoffin is away: LoL tyme again

[21:53] <TheBoffin> yes

[21:53] <TheBoffin> I would love that

[21:53] <__FeltPen> i want moolah to be a normal and successful business

[21:53] == TheBoffin is away: LoL tyme again

[21:54] <__FeltPen> but, right now, i feel there’s a cool factor that prohibits serious discussions about moolah.

[21:54] == TheBoffin is away: LoL tyme again

[21:54] <TheBoffin> That means a lot to me

[21:54] <TheBoffin> Thank you

[21:54] <__FeltPen> i can’t call you guys

[21:54] == TheBoffin is away: LoL tyme again

[21:54] <__FeltPen> i don’t know where you wnet to school

[21:54] == TheBoffin is away: LoL tyme again

[21:54] <__FeltPen> whether you’ve been in this field prior to moolah or not

[21:54] == TheBoffin is away: LoL tyme again

[21:55] <TheBoffin> you want to call me?

[21:55] <TheBoffin> 360.624.76XX

[21:55] <__FeltPen> this is info that is common in the financial sector.

[21:55] == TheBoffin is away: LoL tyme again

[21:55] <TheBoffin> Skype?

[21:56] <TheBoffin> I’m currently, after many years of working in the feild, going back to school to get my B.S. in Accounting (NOTE TO READER: Maybe more than a little under qualified on paper)


[21:56] <__FeltPen> if moolah put all that info up on its website, i believe most of the questions about transparency would stop (just a guess)

[21:56] == TheBoffin is away: LoL tyme again

[21:56] <TheBoffin> I would also get a million [more] calls

[21:56] <TheBoffin> more stalkers

[21:56] <__FeltPen> but, the fact that its not there, etc.

[21:56] == TheBoffin is away: LoL tyme again

[21:57] <TheBoffin> more people threatening the life of me and my family

[21:57] <__FeltPen> most businesses like calls

[21:57] == TheBoffin is away: LoL tyme again

[21:57] <TheBoffin> it was there

[21:57] <__FeltPen> why do coinbase, gocoin, etc not worry about that?

[21:57] == TheBoffin is away: LoL tyme again

[21:57] <TheBoffin> when people began threatening my life, as well as the lives of our staff and families  (NOTE TO READER: OH, RIGHT, IT WAS THE DEATH THREATS THAT CAUSED MOOLAH’S US OPERATION TO BE RUN FROM A RESIDENTIAL RENT HOUSE). 

[21:57] <TheBoffin> that is when we stopped

[21:57] <TheBoffin> I ahve no clue why people do not like us

[21:58] <TheBoffin> for the life of me I can not figure it out

[21:58] <TheBoffin> i WISH I knew

[21:58] <TheBoffin> I wish I knew how to make it stop

[21:58] <__FeltPen> most people like you

[21:58] == TheBoffin is away: LoL tyme again

[21:58] <__FeltPen> that’s my impression

[21:58] == TheBoffin is away: LoL tyme again

[21:58] <TheBoffin> as with most things in life, it is the few that ruin it for the many

[21:59] <__FeltPen> but, i think Moolah, as a business, does not operate like other businesses. info is witheld, and when its requested, people are berated or downvoted on reddit.  that’s what caught my attention.  

[21:59] == TheBoffin is away: LoL tyme again

[22:00] <__FeltPen> i think you probably understand what i’m saying.

[22:00] == TheBoffin is away: LoL tyme again

[22:00] <__FeltPen> its not unreasonable to want to know who is holding $ for people.

Here is where it gets interesting.  Boffin now admits to me he covers for Alex and deliberately helps him keep his identity secret. He acknowledges why people might be concerned. He claims to know his back ground and could answer the questions I had about him were he not concerned for his privacy.

[22:00] == TheBoffin is away: LoL tyme again

[22:00] <TheBoffin> I can completely understand what you are saying, and where you are copming from

[22:00] <TheBoffin> there is a reason that I ahve become the “public face” for lack of a better term

[22:01] <__FeltPen> what’s that?

[22:01] == TheBoffin is away: LoL tyme again

[22:02] <TheBoffin> Alex Green would like to remain more anonymous than I do, and therefore, i stepped up

[22:02] <TheBoffin> he is a MUCH better “behind the scenes” person than I am

[22:02] <__FeltPen> tbh, people know who you are and people dont’ seem bothered by you

[22:02] == TheBoffin is away: LoL tyme again

[22:03] <__FeltPen> its alex green wanting to remain anonymous to some degree

[22:03] == TheBoffin is away: LoL tyme again

[22:04<TheBoffin> I do not see the issue with that?

[22:05] <TheBoffin> is there one?

[22:05] <__FeltPen> many reasons. but, generally, its now how financial companies operate.

[22:05] == TheBoffin is away: LoL tyme again

[22:05] <__FeltPen> yes

[22:05] == TheBoffin is away: LoL tyme again

[22:05] <__FeltPen> above

[22:05] == TheBoffin is away: LoL tyme again

[22:06] <TheBoffin> I don’t know the CEo of any of my financial institutions

[22:06] <TheBoffin> nor do I care to  (NOTE TO READERS: WTF? What kind of COO Is this guy?). 

[22:07] <__FeltPen> i know the ceos of mine. i know where they went to college, where they worked before becoming a ceo, etc. How do i know alex knows what’s he’s doing and is competent to run a business like moolah?

[22:07] == TheBoffin is away: LoL tyme again

[22:07] <TheBoffin> I suppose that is fair enough, to a point

[22:08] <TheBoffin> my question still stands, however

[22:08] <__FeltPen> where did alex go to college? what did he major in?

[22:08] == TheBoffin is away: LoL tyme again

[22:08] <__FeltPen> what companies has he worked at?

[22:08] == TheBoffin is away: LoL tyme again

[22:08] <TheBoffin> I know these answers

[22:09] <TheBoffin> he has been in financial security for some time

[22:09] <TheBoffin> have you asked him directly?

[22:09] <__FeltPen> if he put a bio up on his website saying that stuff, like other CEOs, i think a lot of the questions would stop.

[22:09] == TheBoffin is away: LoL tyme again

[22:10] <__FeltPen> i’ve told the Moolah COO what needs to be done, that’s all i can do.

[22:10] == TheBoffin is away: LoL tyme again

Here is where the Boffin tries to make me feel bad about bringing concerns up to him and not to AG directly.  

22:10] <TheBoffin> but you will not directly ask the CEO?

[22:10] <TheBoffin> I had to come to you?

[22:12] <__FeltPen> and?  i’m telling you that form my perspective a lot of info other companies provide is not available with moolah.  i’ve described some of that info.  it includes bios of the officers, including the CEO.  I don’t think i need to request that info specifically since i’m talking w/ the COO.

[22:12] == TheBoffin is away: LoL tyme again

[22:14] <TheBoffin> however, to get to this point, I had to seek you out, and directly inquire as to what you were wanting

[22:15] <__FeltPen> i don’t see a problem.  i’m answering your questions and describing my perspective to you, which I don’t have to do.  seems like a good thing to me.

Now Boffin is concerned about what I’m up to. 

[22:15] == TheBoffin is away: LoL tyme again

[22:24] <TheBoffin> what are you hoping to acomplish posting the information that you are psoting

[22:24] <__FeltPen> i want to make people think

[22:24] == TheBoffin is away: LoL tyme again

[22:24] <TheBoffin> however there is a negative context to what you are posting

In particular, he’s concerned that how I bold texts sends a certain message.

[22:25] <__FeltPen> i’m not posting anything not free available w/ some good searching or searching publicly accessible info.  no analysis.  its all primary source material.

[22:25] == TheBoffin is away: LoL tyme again

[22:26] <TheBoffin> the bolding of certain phrases and posting of only partial logs

[22:27] <TheBoffin> and except for the video… that was not ever meant to be a public thing

[22:27] <TheBoffin> and seing as [i think] you ahve a legal backgound, I’m sure you were aware of this

[22:29] <__FeltPen> i found everything on the internet. and i tried to post more of the conversations but reddit only gives you so many words for a post.

[22:29] == TheBoffin is away: LoL tyme again

[22:29] <TheBoffin> that I am aware of

Randomly, he decides to bring up Sporklin. Weird.

[22:31] <TheBoffin> also, for the record

[22:31] <TheBoffin> Sporklin does not, repeat NOT work for us in any way, shape or form

[22:33] <__FeltPen> ok.  but you can see why people think that i’m sure.


Idiot . . . 

[22:33] == TheBoffin is away: LoL tyme again

[22:33] <__FeltPen> what is all this lol tyme

[22:33] == TheBoffin is away: LoL tyme again

[22:33] <TheBoffin> what are you meaning by “lol tyme”

[22:34] <TheBoffin> are you refering to my away message?

[22:34] <__FeltPen> yes, its relentless.

[22:34] == TheBoffin is away: LoL tyme again

[22:34] <TheBoffin> LoL is for League Of Legends

[22:34] <TheBoffin> there, off now

[22:34] <__FeltPen> thank god, lol

[22:34] <TheBoffin> sorry

[22:34] <__FeltPen> np.

[22:35] <TheBoffin> yes, I am playing a game as we are chatting

[22:35] <TheBoffin> no, I did not realize that it messaged you every time

[22:35] <TheBoffin> :)


Now we talk about the dogecoin subreddit.

[22:37] <TheBoffin> so… if you are *really* wanting us to succeed as a business

[22:38] <TheBoffin> why post as you do, with the negative implications

[22:38] <TheBoffin> as opposed to just messaging someone with your concerns?

[22:40] <__FeltPen> b/c i think its outrageous how some people get treated for asking questions.  that’s what caught my attnetion and inspired my very first post on reddit.  prior to that, i just observed the ecosystem (doge, bitcoin, etc).

[22:40] <TheBoffin> did you ever try to directly contact a member of our team?

[22:41] <TheBoffin> PM, e-mail, etc?

[22:41] <__FeltPen> i’ve sent a number of emails and pms to various people over the last few months but never got a response.


Now he’s mad that he can’t speak on my turf (i.e., /r/notDogecoinFud). Such oblivious, very presumption.

[22:42] <TheBoffin> why have you not allowed me to post in your subreddit?

[22:43] <__FeltPen> its not personal.  i don’t really allow anyone to post.  one person posted before i could change the settings.

[22:44] <__FeltPen> one joker keeps harassing me about censorship.  reported me to oppression

[22:45] <TheBoffin> I saw that

[22:45] <TheBoffin> however, I am unable to on TheBoffin

[22:45] <TheBoffin> and that makes me question your motives

[22:46] <__FeltPen> i don’t want a million people posting and there and then downvoting all my threads. its a strategy for visibility.  posting in the main dogecoin sub doesn’t work for anyone given how many fans you have

[22:48] <TheBoffin> but to not allow those being posted about to respond

[22:48] <TheBoffin> ?

[22:50] <__FeltPen> correct.  i don’t have to reply to responses that way – i’m too busy.

[22:50] <TheBoffin> nut not allowing someone to defend things

[22:50] <TheBoffin> seems illogical

[22:51] <TheBoffin> if what you are hoping for is us to be sucessful?

[22:51] <__FeltPen> a lot of bloggers don’t allow comments

[22:51] <__FeltPen> its not illogical.  you may not like the tactic, and i can understand why.  but its worked for me.

[22:52] <TheBoffin> it worked how

[22:53] <TheBoffin> to help make us a successful company?

[22:53] <__FeltPen> i don’t have to respond to a lot posts.

[22:53] <__FeltPen> my hope is that you’re successful.  right now i have problems with some things.  my goal w/ the sub is make people think.

[22:55] <TheBoffin> and the only way to rectify those “things” is for Alex to becoe more public?

[22:55] <__FeltPen> i didn’t say that.  i said i thought a lot of questions would stop if he were to become more public.

[22:56] <TheBoffin> so what exactly is it oing to take to change your “problems”

[22:57] <__FeltPen> i don’t have time to answer that question right now. but, i’d agree to back off if you got your website in order and i could verify the backgrounds of alex and others.

[22:58] <TheBoffin> would you be willing to compose an e-mail to me?

[22:58] <TheBoffin> My want, my goal, is for us to be successful

[22:58] <TheBoffin> obviously

[22:58] <TheBoffin> I want the public to feel comfortable with us, to feel secure

[22:59] <TheBoffin> I want the trolling to stop, the personal attacks to stop

[22:59] <TheBoffin> I want my family, and those that work for us to feel safe again

[23:00] <TheBoffin> I would also hope that this line of communication can stay open

[23:00] <__FeltPen> tbf, i’ve never made a personal attack.  we can still talk.

[23:01] <TheBoffin> I know that you ahve not, and I apreciate that


Here is where Boffin shows me Moolah’s new BSA ID and filing record for FinCEN.  It took me clowning him on my sub, which I couldn’t do on the dogecoin sub, for Moolah to figure out that they filed their FinCEN form incorrectly.

To see the post on my sub, go here.

[23:01] <TheBoffin> also

[23:01] <TheBoffin> 31000047132300

[23:01] <TheBoffin> BSA ID

[23:01] <TheBoffin> for the exchange service

[23:01] <TheBoffin> this, I will thank you for

[23:01] <TheBoffin> :)

[23:02] <__FeltPen> oh, that’s a new one?

[23:02] <__FeltPen> np.

[23:02] <TheBoffin> it is

[23:02] <__FeltPen> nice.

[23:02] <TheBoffin> I did correct/re register

[23:03] <TheBoffin> confirmation just came through

[23:03] <TheBoffin> you are the first to know :)\

[23:04] <TheBoffin> so, what DO you do for a living

[23:04] <__FeltPen> glad you got that under control.  appreciate the info.


Here, Boffin tells me how inexperienced he is in the financial sector.

[23:05] <TheBoffin> you want honesty?

[23:05] <__FeltPen> sure

[23:05] <TheBoffin> and promise that you won’t post it as FUD?

[23:06] <__FeltPen> i promise.

[23:06] <__FeltPen> i don’t like the fud rules anyway

[23:06] <TheBoffin> this is my first time in the MSB sector

[23:06] <__FeltPen> i never post fud :P

[23:06] <TheBoffin> :/

[23:06] <TheBoffin> how about this is a private conversation

[23:06] <TheBoffin> :)

[23:06] <__FeltPen> lots of regulations.  its a bear.

[23:07] <TheBoffin> so, care to answer my question?

[23:07] <__FeltPen> we’re the only two here.  i won’t share from 2300 hr onward (its a nice even number)

[23:07] <__FeltPen> not htat i have shared

[23:07] <__FeltPen> but we haven’t discussed anything too private

[23:07] <__FeltPen> until now

Thats all for now.