
This afternoon I was provided with a link to a file full of documents related to Ryan Kennedy. Some have been seen before, some have not.  I make no representations about the accuracy or relevancy of any of these files. I have not scanned them for viruses. Download at your own risk. Here are just a few (notice the size of his . . . bank account):

bank-wut bank blue BusinessStatement1 BusinessStatement2 BusinessStatement3 BusinessStatement4 c1 c2c3 c4 c5 CentralWorkingBank DeedPoll IMG_20120902_142923 IMG_20121122_182257 IMG_20121123_104612 IMG_20121123_104728 IMG_20121123_104959 IMG_20121123_105454 IMG_20121123_105829 IMG_20121123_203136 IMG_20121123_210054 IMG_20121123_215321 IMG_20121128_211615

JB job  media-overview-small MetroStatement o2-agreement payment-screen paypal Screen Shot 2012-10-31 at 15.29.19 Screen Shot 2012-11-22 at 2.51.48 PM

RyCache (full set of files)