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Luna and Jose spent many and very very good, funny, union, group moments with Salva . Salva spoke very much but he also knew how to listen, he could also listen, Luna supposed that they taught it to him wherever he had studied.
One day he came infuriated because he had to marry a couple who wanted to get married in his church because they liked it, not for credence. Luna told him that what did he care, and perhaps they were doing to make happy their family, perhaps be make their families happy, that surely more than one guest would be Christian, and sure the parents of both, and that people should marry where they want. But the truth was not even Luna believed what she herself said, but well a little. In short, he did not want to marry them.
They were going to have to do without without wedding photos in a nice church. It is believed that in the end he had to do it.
He drank beer from the cheapest and tackiest available there. Occasionally it was Luna and Jose who were buying of a little better to take there all together. Luna thought that he was thinking that, at his age, Luna wanted to have his energy.
Luna y Jose con Salva pasaron momentos muy buenos, divertidos, de unión, de grupo. Salva hablaba mucho pero también sabía escuchar, luna supuso que se lo enseñan allá donde estudió.
Un día vino indignado porque tenía que casar a una pareja que lo hacía en esa iglesia porque les gustaba, no por creencias. Luna le dijo que que más le daba, que si así quizás estén haciendo felices a la familia, que seguro que más de un invitado sería cristiano, y seguro los padres de ambos, y que la gente debe casarse donde quiera. Pero la verdad ni ella misma creía lo que decía, pero un poco sí. En fin, que no quería casarlos. Se iban a quedar sin fotos de boda en iglesia bonita. Je!. Cuenta la leyenda que al final tubo que hacerlo.
Bebía cerveza de la más barata y cutre que había. De vez en cuando compraban Jose y Luna de la un poco mejor para tomar allí todos juntos. Luna pensaba que Salva pensaba que ella a su edad querría tener su energía.