Separate Plans

original en castellano, más abajo

‘So you are going away to London, Jose says to us. ‘
‘ Yes. ‘
‘For how long? ‘
‘ I do not know. At first four or five years. ‘
‘ But are you crazy? ‘
‘ No, why do you ask? ‘
‘ Because the people normally go away for three or six months, and then they may remain, one or two years, but to go away like that, four or five years? ‘
‘ It looks like I have already spent far too much time trying to find work without result. In the decent few ones which they have called me to an interview, I always had too little experience for them. But none was taking me on so you tell me how I am going to gain experience. If I’m not good enough for this job market, I’m looking for another one’
‘ But if you have just left the shop. ‘
‘ I mean before opening up the shop. When we opened it, it was because I was fed up of looking for a job, it was degrading. And I do not want to return to that. ‘
‘ And what are you going to do? ‘
‘ The idea is to go and to gain some experience in these years, then to be able to offer it here. At least there they have said to me that it is much easier to find work. ‘
‘ Can I place an order with you? ‘
‘ Sure. Then the question is whether I can fulfill it, but in principle, just ask. ‘
‘ There is a magazine called ‘ Ethical Consumer ‘. Could you bring us copies? ‘
‘ At first I will look for it. And which is the idea? ‘
‘ We would like to make something similar. ‘
‘ All right, I will try to look for it but I do not promise you anything. ‘
‘ All right. ‘
‘ And apart from copying magazines, which are your plans? ‘
‘ Apart from practising plagiarism here and there, we bring oil of Palestine. ‘
‘ Some volunteers are saying that we should not, because there is already oil in abundance in Andalusia, and what need is to bring from that far. before that I remain without knowing what to say, because although it is necessary to support those people, it is also not a question of taking the market share off from those of here. ‘
‘ Only that are not of here. The oil can be a Spanish but the company proprietor of it is Italian. ‘
‘ Spanish oil and Italian benefits. So it does not matter to you. And it is much better. To begin, they value it so much, which they do not value here, that they pack it in crystal bottle, and not in plastic, as they do here. ‘
‘ But this way you make dearer the product. ‘
‘ Boy, that is so clear. ‘
Fede was not one for giving so many explanations not as patiently as Jose.


“Así que te vas a Londres, me ha dicho Jose.”
“Por cuánto tiempo?”
“No lo sé. En principio cuatro o cinco años.”
“Pero estás loca?”
“No, por qué lo preguntas?”
“Porque la gente normalmente se va para tres o seis meses, y luego se queda uno, o dos años, pero irte así, cuatro o cinco años, de entrada?”
“Mira ya he pasado demasiado tiempo intentando encontrar trabajo sin resultado. En los pocos decentes a los que me han llamado a una entrevista, siempre faltaba la experiencia. Pero ninguno me cogia así que ya me diras como voy a ganar experiencia.”
“Pero si acabas de dejar la tienda.”
“Me refiero a antes de poner la tienda. Cuando la puse fue porque estaba harta de lo de buscar, era degradante. Y no quiero volver a eso.”
“Y qué vas a hacer?”
“La idea es ir y ganar algo de experiencia en esos años, para luego poder ofrecerla aquí. Al menos allí me han dicho que es mucho más fácil encontrar trabajo.”
“Te puedo hacer un encargo?”
“Claro. Luego está que pueda, pero en principio, tú pide.”
“Hay una revista llamada ‘Ethical Consumer’. Nos podrías mandar ejemplares?”
“En principio la buscaré. Y cuál es la idea?”
“Nos gustaría hacer algo similar.”
“Vale, la intentaré buscar pero no te prometo nada.”
“Y aparte de copiar revistas, cuales son vuestros planes?”
“Aparte de plagiar a diestro y siniestro, traemos aceite de Palestina.”
“Andan algunas voluntarias diciendo que no deberíamos traer, porque ya hay aceite de sobra en Andalucía, y que a ver qué necesidad hay de traerlo de tan lejos. Yo ante eso me quedo sin saber qué decir, porque aunque hay que apoyar a aquella gente, tampoco es cuestión de quitar mercado a los de aquí.”
“Solo que no son de aquí. El aceite puede ser español pero la empresa dueña de él es italiana.”
“Aceite español y beneficios italianos. Así que te da igual. Y es mucho mejor. Para empezar, lo valoran tanto, cosa que no lo valoran los de aquí, que lo envasan en botella de cristal, y no en plástico, como los de aquí.”
“Pero así encareces el producto.”
“Anda, pues claro.”
Fede no era de dar tantas explicaciones ni tan pacientemente como Jose.

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