About HAG…

Hackney Anarchist Group calls on all who live, work or just generally hang out in Hackney to join us in forming a cross-borough network of resistance, committed to questioning, challenging and fighting the forces of government, capital and the state which combine to make our lives difficult and our future bleak. HAG will be a central meeting point and resource hub, bringing together diverse groups and individuals prepared to lend their energy to actions and activities which raise awareness of injustices and equip us to fight them.

HAG is committed to:
– Exposing and fighting the corruptions of capital and the influence of corporations.
– Challenging the decisions of both central and local government.
– Fighting hierarchies of power and domination.
– Organising to contest the state and the abuses it perpetrates against us and in our name.

See here for more details about how the group works and its guidelines.

Some members of HAG are also part of ALARM! (All London Anarchist Revolutionary M…), a london wide organisation of anarchists.

HAG meet on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at 7pm to organise, as well as an irregular discussion group, contact us for the location.

You can contact us at:

hag [at] aktivix.org