Another pay cut for staff

In case you wonder why your take-home pay has fallen yet again, you will have missed the announcement of the latest pension contribution rate increase, one of several since 2007. Everyone in the teachers pension scheme can expect to pay a higher contribution, as much as 1.2% for those on the highest salary band. Rates now run from 7.4% to 11.7% of gross salary. Members of the local government scheme see their contributions rise too although this scheme has not been hit so hard as the teachers’.

Teachers of course are now held in general contempt by this government, the public, and here at the University by our own Dear Leader, Kingston Rat. The small pay awards of recent years are wiped out by the pension contribution hikes, a convenient way of cutting pay while pretending staff have been treated too generously. Yes, the pensions are still pretty decent compared to the private sector schemes which are cash cows for the pensions industry, but the ConDems have made sure we pay more for them while weakening the scheme overall. The future? More increases in contributions, low or zero pay rises contested all the way by the shabby UCEA, big salary jumps for Ratty and management crew.

This year’s pay negotiations have opened. The UCEA has already resumed its prevarication based around annual increments: the financial dishonesty loved by right-wing governments has permeated the management halls of academia. But no doubt all this money-saving zeal will rapidly dissipate when it comes to the VC pay awards. Ratty will be rubbing his paws together already at the thought. Our skinny rat will be right up there with the fat cats.

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