Human beings were exploitative in nature. It was caused by their greed to want more and more and their lack of empathy as to how their actions impacted anyone else.
And that’s being their story since the beginning of creation.
The first exploitative human being was probably some prick from the Old Testament or the Quran.
It was passed down to each generation. And each one tried to outdo it’s predecessors.
How low can the human species stoop when left to live according to their own whims?
As of the year 2800, pretty fucking low, I might say.
This was the only species that was hell-bent on exploiting the planet to it’s absolute limits.
And that’s they needed direction. Human beings needed to be told what to do because they were too fucking stupid for their own good.
There was a reason why they had law and order, politicians and governments, education and economics. Without guidance, the average human was prone to make more stupid decisions than a cow. So much for the intelligence tests.
“What’s your IQ?”
My IQ is my foot stuck up your ass whilst you scream in pain.
So I grew above the law and order. The law was to keep the fucking idiots of the human population in check. I didn’t need to be checked. What I needed was freedom. But freedom could not be attained without the demise of human society.
Luckily for me, human civilization was cyclical. It started off with a few good men who expanded the population. As it grew bigger, it grew out of hand until people killed each other. Then the number died down until the population was back to a few good men. And then the cycle restarted.
The human civilization was self-culling. If you lived long enough, you could wait to see all the idiots kill each other until only the sane were left.
The saddest thing is that billions of animals, marine life and plant life were made extinct due to the actions of human beings.
From hunting to poaching to fishing to oil spills to sand mining to deforestation – humans left their impact on everything they touched; none of it positive.
Thousands of species became extinct within a few centuries.
The irony here is that humans themselves became victims of their own actions.
This is the price you have to pay for your greed and arrogance – You end up endangering your own species.
The human beings were very cunning. Any time they wanted to exploit something or somebody, they would market it as something good, something positive.
Those who weren’t bright enough were sold.
And everybody was sold.
I had made the mistake of trusting humans myself.
Trust is a part of human nature. We want to trust others, we want to believe them, we want to have faith in something or someone, because it gives us hope, and strength to keep pushing forward.
But what if our trust and faith is misplaced? What if our hopes are misled?
It was wishful thing. We wished that whatever people told us was the truth. We wished that they would only act in our benefit. We wished that they would help us, protect our interests, support us, love us, and take care of us. But is that what we got? No!
By the time I was 25 years old, I’d realized one thing: Human beings could not be trusted. No matter how nice they were to you, no matter how sweet their words were, no matter how polite they were, they could not be trusted.
Putting your trust in a human being was like inserting your hand in a snake’s pit.
The very same people that we trusted broke our trust time and again. Family members, friends, lovers, spouses, politicians, doctors, scientists, engineers, corporations – everyone was acting in their own selfish interests.
If you thought you were getting a good deal from someone who was being nice to you, that’s when you should’ve known, that you were getting really fucked.
If human beings could not care enough for each other, how could it even remotely be possible for them to care for their planet?
They were a bunch of goddamn liars and hypocrites. They said what they thought you’d want to hear, but what they really did was act according to their own selfish interests.
And the ground base for all this was money. Capitalism.
One thing that stabbed me in the heart, were the atrocities against the poor, the women and children. Atrocities committed in the name of religion, culture and traditional beliefs. Forced marriages, child marriages, slavery, rape and domestic violence were prevalent in many parts of the world for centuries. Whilst women in one part of the world had complete freedom, those on the other side were born prisoners. And the most powerful leaders in the world did nothing to help those people. They simply turned a blind eye to them. If the problem didn’t exist in your backyard, why worry? Right?