This Saturday LAFA had an organised presence in the #KillTheBill protest that happened on May Day. As antifascists we are proud to be part of the international workers movement, especially in the face of the police, who are traitors to the working class. We went out in force and formed a block at the march under our new banner made for the occasion. The day went well, without many incidents, besides the police at the beginning trying to interfere with the speakers’ van.
Despite the cops’ attempts to shut down and head off the march at various times, there were many wonderful speeches from a range of speakers, highlighting the many ways in which the Policing, Crime, Courts and Sentencing bill will screw us all over. We marched from Trafalgar Square to Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens, on the way visiting Buckingham Palace, where we paid our respects to the recently deceased Prince “totally not a Nazi nonce” Phillip and the Home Office. The energy in the crowd was amazing, with music and chants all the way- props to BUC for always having the best ones!
It was refreshing to for once not having to deal with “de-escalators” and going somewhere other than Parliament Square (aka Cop Town). Our comrades across the movement, from IWW to Britaga Ultra’ Clapton and various anarchist groups, and other antifascist organisations made wonderful allies on the day. It was also great to stand in solidarity with so many other amazing groups such as Sisters Uncut, UVW, and many more.
This was a step in the right direction in the movement against the Policing Bill, bringing together a diverse collection of groups and individuals under a radical banner, but the fight is just getting started. And this is just a small part of the wider struggle for the abolition of police and carceral systems. In the future we need to continue being militant in the streets, but also to bring this campaign into our neighbourhoods and communities if we want it to succeed. We can’t expect politicians to deliver the change we want, we need to create it ourselves.
For our part, LAFA will continue to participate and support the Kill the Bill campaign promoting a militant anti-fascist perspective, so expect to hear more from us soon. If you want to get involved with us, get in contact and join the fight now!
London is Anti-fascist! Abolish the Police! Become Ungovernable!

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