From Chile to Spain: Letter from imprisoned comrades Juan Aliste, Marcelo Villarroel & Freddy Fuentevilla in solidarity with Monica & Francisco

Taken from here:

In active solidarity with our brothers Francisco Solar and Monica Caballero, anarchist prisoners in Spanish state jails.

From the high security prison of Santiago, Chile, we make an international call for active solidarity with Francisco and Monica, who soon will face the legal farce of the Spanish State. They are accused of being part of Insurreccional Commando Mateo Morral who have claimed responsibility for two explosive attacks on historic symbols of the Spanish Catholic church in the course of the year 2013.

On the next 8, 9 and 10 March, the trial in the National Court in Madrid is determined to perform an exemplary punishment on the lives of our comrades.

With rants and cockiness the judiciary orders more than 40 years in prison for various charges as the servile Chilean State celebrates and rejoices the omen of a long sentence hanging over these dear fellow anti-authoritarians.

Mónica and Francisco have had to endure a demented confinement that includes total isolation from the outside, reducing the human link only to visits by visiting room, mediated by a glass that prevents the touch of the one you want … and for over 2 years now, they stay 22 hours in their cells under the infamous FIES regime (Ficheros de Especial Vigilancia). Also it keeps them isolated from the rest of the general population and with a number of restrictions that make everyday life into one possible challenge to be faced with dignity with clear convictions and the will to fight intact, as we know that Mónica and Francisco do not deny their ties and do not deny their choice of anarchist life.

Faced with the cooperation of the Chilean and Spanish States in areas of security in their interests as well as repression, control and punishment of the rebels, we show the permanent active solidarity and internationalist anti-authoritarian action that does not forget any comrade in prison.

Breaking all the limitations and difficulties of this long transitional situation behind bars, we make a broad appeal to all individuals, centers, groups and organizations spreading practices of Autonomous Subversion and Libertarianism, strengthening the insurrectionary anti-authoritarian tendency to express themselves. Complicity and solidarity with our comrades Francisco and Mónica who are now at the gates of an initial combat against the democratic inquisition of post-Francoist capital in the social fascist Spanish State.

Because our compas are not alone… The struggle is the only way!!!
To destroy the last bastion of prison society!!!
For the extension of the riot and resistance against the offensives of power!!
Where there is misery there will be rebellion!!

– Marcelo Villarroel
– Freddy Fuentevilla
– Juan Aliste

High Security Prison.
Santiago, Chile – 27 February 2016

About londonabc

London Anarchist Black Cross, is a collective set up with the aim of supporting prisoners: political prisoners, people in detention centers or just people fucked over by the capitalist system.
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