Gordon Brown and the single global mafia

Gordon Brown was prime minister of the UK from 2007 to 2010, having, from 1997, been chancellor of the exchequer under Tony Blair, whose links to the Rothschilds I explored in 2023. [87]

As I explained in 2021, Brown is notoriously close to “Sir” Ronald Cohen, the UK businessman and political mover and shaker, who is sometimes called “the father” of impact capitalism. [88]

Reported The Evening Standard in 2006: “Sir Ronald is believed to have donated up to £800,000 to the Labour Party, and is clearly carving out a role to become the Chancellor’s ‘private banker’.

“He also helped advise Brown on the redevelopment of the West Bank and Gaza Strip in the Middle East”.

Oh yes?

“Sir Ronald and his wife Sharon have rubbed shoulders with Prince Charles and are friends of Bill and Hillary Clinton, who they regularly entertain at their luxury second home in New York”. [89]

One of the Rockefeller Foundation trustee’s first acts as chancellor was to grant the Bank of England, the UK’s central bank, the freedom to set the interest rate, a prerogative that had previously belonged to the chancellor himself. [90]

He is also notorious for “Brown’s Bottom”, the sale of half of the UK’s gold reserves between 1999 and 2002, despite the precious metal being at its lowest price for the best part of two decades.

This is considered by many to be “a particular low point in British history” and “the worst investment decision of modern times”. [91][92]

Brown is also less-than-fondly remembered for his Private Finance Initiatives (PFIs) used to fund infrastructure projects.

A 2018 article in The Independent explained how “Britain’s economy has been left high and dry by a doomed economic philosophy”. [93]

It revealed: “PFI debt for the British taxpayer is more than £300bn for infrastructure projects, with a value of £54.7bn. To put it into perspective, the PFI debt is four times the size of the budget deficit used to justify austerity.

“Sir Howard Davies, chairman of the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), recently made an astonishing admission on BBC1’s Question Time when he stated that private finance initiatives (PFI) had been a ‘fraud on the people’.

“Beyond seemingly populist rhetoric, the real story of PFI reveals that RBS alongside other global banks, notably HSBC, were instrumental in what Sir Howard has effectively labelled a great heist”. [94]

The PFI scam essentially handed control of British hospitals and schools to major corporate and financial interests, such as banks, thus advancing the privatisation agenda that had been facilitated by the Rothschilds during the Thatcher years. [95]

As prime minister, Brown “negotiated agreements at the 2009 UN Climate Change Conference (COP15) in Copenhagen, Denmark, and oversaw the UK’s commitment to NetZero as part of the Climate Change Act”, says his Rockefeller Foundation profile.

“He is a passionate advocate for global action to ensure education for all. In his role as UN Special Envoy for Global Education, he works closely with key partners to help galvanize support for global education investment and the use of innovative financing to reach the UN’s global goals”. [96]

As part of his “education” mission, Brown was chair of the International Commission on Financing Global Education Opportunity. [97]

This body, also known as the Education Commission, was set up in 2015 and the following year presented a report to the UN calling for “the largest expansion of educational opportunity in history”. [98]

Its work aligns with number 4 of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, namely to “ensure inclusive and equitable quality education by 2030 and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all”. [99]

Of course, this agenda is always presented by the globalists and their propaganda machine as a wonderful thing, designed to improve our lives.

The Guardian framed Brown’s mission as being about “campaigners” pressuring the G20 world leaders to provide cash for “schooling in the world’s poorest countries”. [100]

When these “campaigners” miraculously succeeded in convincing the G20, the fake-left Global Citizen website declared in a headline: “Global citizens just put poverty on G20 agenda, taking us closer to a safer, healthier and better educated world”. [101]

Wikipedia laughably claims: “In the six months leading up to the G20, nearly 140,000 citizens took action calling on world leaders to put education on the G20 agenda. The International Finance Facility for Education featured prominently in this grassroots movement”. [102]

I can’t see what is remotely “grassroots” about the International Finance Facility for Education!

It was described in a 2018 booklet issued by Brown’s Education Commission as “a Multilateral Development Bank (MDB) investment mechanism for education”. [103]

The document adds: “An initial group of five MDBs have agreed to be part of IFFEd: the African Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Inter-American Development Bank, and the World Bank”.

See what I mean?

In a paragraph headed “Sustainable financing for results” – thus revealing what is really meant by this ubiquitous pseudo-green term – the report explains: “Investments mobilized through IFFEd will be aligned with education sector plans and driven by results”.

And it notes, with evident satisfaction: “IFFEd will reinforce the relationship between international finance and domestic resource mobilization”. [104]

Brown also plays a leading role in an organisation called Education Cannot Wait, “the global, billion-dollar fund for education in emergencies and protracted crises within the United Nations”. [105][106]

Its website reveals: “The United Nations Special Envoy for Global Education, The Rt. Hon. Gordon Brown, first called for the establishment of a global emergency education fund at the World Economic Forum in Davos in January 2015.

“Following numerous bilateral conversations, several high-level meetings of champions were convened throughout the year, including at the World Bank Spring Meetings and the World Education Forum in Incheon”. [107]

Brown, like fellow Rockefeller Foundation trustee Juan Manuel Santos, was selected to join the WEF’s Global Leaders for Tomorrow, class of 1993, which has been described as “the inaugural cadre of the WEF’s highly influential deep state recruitment network”. [108]

Some of the other now-familiar names in that class were Angela Merkel, Nicolas Sarkozy, Bono, Bill Gates and Tony Blair. [109]

Brown has attended numerous WEF events and various other top-level globalist gatherings, including at least one Bilderberg meeting. [110][111]

In May 2020 he put his name to an open letter entitled “Uniting Behind A People’s Vaccine Against COVID-19”, calling for the entire world to be jabbed. [112]

Brown is a supporter of Zionism, having been a longstanding member of Labour Friends of Israel, and in 2010 he told The Jewish Chronicle: “I was incredibly proud to be the first British Prime Minister to address the Knesset and as long as I am Prime Minister Israel will always have the firmest of friends in the British Government”. [113]

[Audio version]

The above article is an extract from my new 100-page booklet, The Single Global Mafia: The Rockefeller Foundation’s multiple links to Zionism and military-industrial-financial neo-imperialism, which can be downloaded free here for reading, safekeeping and the widest possible sharing.

[88] https://winteroak.org.uk/2021/01/27/ronald-cohen-impact-capitalism-and-the-great-reset/
[89] https://www.standard.co.uk/hp/front/gordons-mr-fixit-and-the-ps1m-pool-in-his-cellar-7088028.html
[90] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chancellorship_of_Gordon_Brown
[91] https://www.bullionbypost.co.uk/gold-news/2019/may/07/worst-deal-uk-history-20-years-brown-sold-britains-gold/
[92] https://www.telegraph.co.uk/money/investing/buy-gold-say-do-sell/?msockid=2938acc583476abd1006b85a820e6b85
[93] https://www.independent.co.uk/news/long_reads/pfi-banks-barclays-hsbc-rbs-tony-blair-gordon-brown-carillion-capita-financial-crash-a8202661.html
[94] Ibid.
[95] https://winteroak.org.uk/2023/08/10/enemies-of-the-people-privatising-power/
[96] https://www.rockefellerfoundation.org/profile/gordon-brown/
[97] Ibid.
[98] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Commission_on_Financing_Global_Education_Opportunity
[99] https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000246300/PDF/246300eng.pdf.multi
[100] https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2017/jun/05/make-or-break-moment-beckons-unesco-education-g20-summit
[101] https://www.globalcitizen.org/en/content/global-citizens-just-put-poverty-on-g20-agenda/
[102] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Commission_on_Financing_Global_Education_Opportunity
[103] https://educationcommission.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/IFFEd_Design_Proposal.pdf
[104] Ibid.
[105] https://www.educationcannotwait.org/news-stories/featured-content/education-cannot-wait-interview-rt-hon-gordon-brown
[106] https://www.educationcannotwait.org/about-us/who-we-are
[107] Ibid.
[109] Ibid.
[110] https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Gordon_Brown
[111] https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Bilderberg/1991
[113] https://www.thejc.com/news/gordon-brown-his-jc-interview-in-full-rmj6dx74

About Paul Cudenec 214 Articles
Paul Cudenec is the author of 'The Anarchist Revelation'; 'Antibodies, Anarchangels & Other Essays'; 'The Stifled Soul of Humankind'; 'Forms of Freedom'; 'The Fakir of Florence'; 'Nature, Essence & Anarchy'; 'The Green One', 'No Such Place as Asha' , 'Enemies of the Modern World' and 'The Withway'. His work has been described as "mind-expanding and well-written" by Permaculture magazine.

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