Stickergate and the crumbling of the system

By way of bringing a little festive cheer to my readers, I thought I would share this short extract from a rather lengthy historical account that I discovered on The FastForward Machine Internet Pre-Archive, first saved on January 1, 2052.

The vicious attack on the British people and their way of life launched by the new Prime Minister accelerated in the following months.

As a result, not only was there growing anger and resentment at his callous and ruthless “change” agenda, but more people than ever were realising that descriptions of the reality behind his regime were not in fact “conspiracy theories”, as the authorities were still desperately claiming at the time.

The Rothschild mafia’s formidable global matrix of control, which had been built up for more than 200 years and carefully hidden from view, was for the first time becoming clearly visible to large numbers of citizens.

In an attempt to stop this realisation from spreading, the British state branded it “misinformation”, “hate speech” and “anti-semitism”, closed down free expression on the internet and started arresting and imprisoning those relaying the forbidden truth.

While some dissidents found ingenious ways of getting round the online censorship, others decided that the time had come to pursue the information war offline.

Just before the start of the Great Uprising, hundreds of thousands of stickers started to appear all over the country on bus shelters, lamp-posts, road signs, railway stations and in public toilets.

These all bore the signature of “The Real-Life Resistance” and featured an image of a “world” logo, of the kind favoured by the globalists, being broken with a hammer.

A variety of accompanying slogans included: “Resist the global mafia!“, “Smash zio-imperialism!” and “Fuck the Rothschilds!“.

CCTV images showed that those responsible had taken careful precautions to avoid being identified, operating in the middle of the night and covering their faces with scarves or facepaint.

This massive campaign was not initially mentioned by any media outlet in the UK – we now know that specific instructions to this effect were issued to editors by the Home Office.

It was considered that drawing even negative attention to the messages would risk revealing to the public the existence of a critique of the status quo beyond the narrow “political” categories carefully constructed to restrict and divide dissent.

But as time went on and the stickers kept appearing, in small towns and big cities alike, the authorities became increasingly concerned, as was to be revealed by a whistleblower from the senior ranks of the civil service who had been involved in the “emergency” discussions.

The media silence broke on December 26, when the front page lead story of every newspaper in the country, and the main news item on every radio and TV station, was the claim that there had been an outbreak of “odious anti-semitic hate”, to use a phrase that was rolled out by virtually every outlet.

This was accompanied by a photo of a sticker greatly resembling the others we have described, including the same logo and Real-Life Resistance signature, except that the slogan was a previously unseen one: “Yah boo sucks! Down with the Jews!“.

According to the media, these stickers had been plastered all over the country on Christmas Day by a “sinister terror network” determined to “spread hate and undermine British democracy”.

The Prime Minister, the King, the Archbishop of Canterbury and Bono all immediately joined the condemnation and the new Israeli prime minister, the American and French presidents, the EU, the UN and the Pope quickly followed suit.

The government announced new emergency legislation to “protect Britain’s threatened Jewish community” and pledged £17 billion funding for a new Fact-Check Safety Squad, an armed and drone-equipped private police force to be given full legal powers and run directly by what were termed “Jewish philanthropic organisations”.

This entity would set to work hunting down the offenders and, in the meantime, the public were implored to keep their eyes peeled for anyone possessing, placing or even looking at these stickers, “or any others of a similar nature”, with a well-known fast food chain offering a month’s supply of free insectburgers to anyone who turned in a subsequently-convicted culprit.

Many people across the country were, however, suspicious about the affair, being familiar with the general range of Real-Life Resistance stickers and having never seen the one now presented by the media.

As news reports noted in passing, this had been photographed at a small railway station on the outskirts of London, and a witness to its placing eventually got in touch with dissident networks.

The young woman had turned up at the station on Christmas Day, unaware that there was no train service, and, from afar, had seen a man sticking something on to a wall, taking photographs and then walking off briskly, turning his face from her as she approached.

Herself Jewish, she was shocked when she read the sticker’s message and managed to photograph the man’s car as he drove away at speed.

Later in the day she went to her local police station to report what she had witnessed. The police took her phone and, after keeping her waiting for nearly five hours, returned it with the photo missing and the news that they had “insufficient evidence” to take the matter any further.

Fortunately, the woman had saved a back-up copy of the photo on her computer and was able to communicate the car’s registration number to dissidents.

With the help of an insider in the police force, the sticker-placer was eventually identified as an employee of a transnational charity called Silencing Hate for an Inclusive and Technology-based Economy (SHITE).

This man was found to have boasted on social media that he had been the first to “discover” the notorious sticker.

And the executive chairman and supreme global managing director of SHITE turned out to be a long-time personal friend of the Prime Minister, attending the same north London synagogue as him and his family – and indeed as the Rothschild clan.

The truth was confirmed by a video surreptitiously taken (by a waiter) at a private dinner addressed by SHITE’s boss, at which he referred in jovial style to his employee’s “hitherto unsuspected artistic skills”, with this “new Picasso” having produced “a masterpiece worth £17 billion to our community”.

Later in his speech, he referred to “that rarest of rarities, the Yah Boo Sucks bird, that has only been spotted once in this country, nesting in a railway station in a sleepy London suburb”.

The waiter than scanned round to show, clutching his sides with uproarious laughter, the Prime Minister himself.

When this news circulated – by clandestine online means, by printed leaflets and by word of mouth – it created a significant sense of scandal in the country and yet received not one single mention in corporate-controlled media, further fuelling the mood of disenchantment and rage.

The famous “Stickergate” affair could not in itself be said to have changed the course of British history, with the widespread outrage at the Covid Conspiracy, False Flag Terrorism and the Zionist Genocide generally considered by historians to have been the primary factors behind the Uprising.

But it does represent an important milestone in public awareness and rejection of Rothschildian industrial-financial-political domination which, as we will see, led not just to the ignominious collapse of the British government but ultimately to the crumbling of the entire globalist system.

I’ll leave you to read (or write?) the rest of the story yourselves.

Happy New Year!


[Audio version]

About Paul Cudenec 216 Articles
Paul Cudenec is the author of 'The Anarchist Revelation'; 'Antibodies, Anarchangels & Other Essays'; 'The Stifled Soul of Humankind'; 'Forms of Freedom'; 'The Fakir of Florence'; 'Nature, Essence & Anarchy'; 'The Green One', 'No Such Place as Asha' , 'Enemies of the Modern World' and 'The Withway'. His work has been described as "mind-expanding and well-written" by Permaculture magazine.

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