26 / 4 [4] [cripticBIOlab]

biolab fantasmagórico, IXTAb nos acompaña en esta nueva ruta… 26 — tecnocompilamos con las visceras micoampliadas. DEVANAlab, devenirLAB…. A lA CarGA!!!!


Sólo busco con las manos
el bombeo acelerado de mi sangre,
el vértigo silencioso de un descenso largo y lento,
de un ascenso largo y lento que ígneo me paralice.

Ni palabras de amor ni locuras,
sólo busco con las manos
el salto mortal que me arroje plácido hacia mi electrizante vacío
el húmedo cortocircuito que me derrame en sordo delirio
una adorable venganza infernal
que acalle el murmullo constante del ser que me habita

Sólo busco con las manos extraerme,
abandonarme a mi propia disposición,
suspenderme endiosada en un febril delirio
trenzando así el éxtasis que me alimenta,
perderme en mi, conmigo.

Ni locuras ni palabras de amor,
sólo busco con las manos someterme a mi descaro
y verterme en él


“EXOglands radical dynamics: fluid, tissues & bloody self-aware enhancement bionicLAB

biopunk – radical SelFpower – Analisis of fluids – citology – DIY equipment  
situated tools, microscopic maps, body fluids dinamics.
This week another pechblenda tentacle was born as part of  Softcontrol open call.  So excited!

taking back the TECH!!

I propose to make an hybrid body mapping of these forbidden or colonized places using different resources and crossdisiplinary methods as alternative medicine, DIY biolab techniches, DIT science and sociological research, grassroots communities empowerment, sexual health focus, body listening, audiovisual technologies, microscopic and inverse engineering.
  • Increase self-anatomical knowledge trough pleasure & biomedical research
  • Generate accesible tools and technics to enhance sexual health knowledge and practices
  • Generate spaces of visibilities and debate about disident sexualities &health rights of sexworkers
  • Grassroot empowerment against sexual violence, medical institutions’ discrimination and stigmatization, and bioselfdefense (HIV tests, pregnancy tests, anticonceptive techniques, menstrual extraction, hormones and alternative pregnancy interruption information)
  • Creation of  tools for a basic and functional mobile biolab of diagnosis and check depending of communities needs.

Short description of the project:

Extreme own-body cognition, Anarchagland (female eyaculation) & male prostate, decolonial anatomy of pleasure. Unveil taboos with DIY biolab techniques, DIT science & medical hacks reverse engineering. A transdisplinary collaboration based on health issues of colectives who have been marginalized by the desensitized treatment of anything deemed promiscuous & contentious. Grassroots sexual politics empowerment.

pechblenda is one of your big fanatic followers LesLie García

We are super happy to receive such good news : Leslie Garcia is  joining the Bauhaus University, Weimar as artistic researcher at the Department of Design of Media Environments under Prof. Ursula Damm. To be part of the project:

PhyChip – Growing Computers from Slime Mould.

She’ll be working on sonifiying data from the Slime Mould and developing some OpenSource software and hardware for the task. Thanks to Theresa Schubert and Ursula Damm for this great opportunity

thanks Leslie for all your inspiration an energy, we can’t wait to build something together ! ! ! !

here more links:

Physarum growing on nutrient-rich substratePhysarum VoronoiPhysarum on MEA



Interview with Cecilia Jonsson, the artist who extracts iron from invasive weeds

Cecilia Jonsson, The Iron Ring

Cecilia Jonsson, The Iron Ring. Photo: Carina-Hesper

In the South of Spain runs a river so red and soalien-looking that the Spain tourism board is marketing it as Mars on Earth. NASA scientists even came to the area to investigate the ecosystem for its similarities to the planet Mars.

Due (mostly) to the intense mining for copper, silver, gold, and other mineral in the area, the Rio Tinto is highly acidic, its water has a low oxygen content and it is made dense by the metals it carries in suspension. Its deep reddish hue is caused by the iron dissolved in the water.

Cecilia Jonsson visited the region to collect some of the wild grass that grows on the borders of the Rio Tinto. The name of that grass is Imperata cylindrica. It is a highly invasive weed and its other particularity is that it is an iron hyperaccumulater, which means that the plant literally drinks up the metal in the soil and stores high levels of it in its leaves, stems and roots.

The artist harvested 24kg of Imperata cylindrica and worked with smiths, scientists, technicians and farmers in order to extract the iron ore from the plants and use it to make an iron ring. The innovative experiment brought together the biological, the industrial, the technological and even craft to create a piece of jewellery that weights 2 grams. The project also suggests a way to reverse the contamination process while at the same time mining iron ore from the damaged environment.

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