Prosfygika Network: First stage for the First of May!

Long time no report from us, but hey, this is Greece; everything takes more time.

Mostly thanks to unstoppable Naomi R and some generous donations, we finally reached the first milestone assumed for Prosfygika Neighborhood Network:

1. All users that were previously connected through crumbling and fragmented cable infrastructure, are now connected via uniform system of staircase-installed access points. They pay a modest (5 Euro per flat per month) fee, that is 100% spent on the development of the network and other infrastructure.

2. All network is integrated into one address space, under single master router managing internal traffic.

3. External traffic goes through master router load balancing module and two uplinks provided by local service provider. ISP no more has ablity to monitor internal traffic.

4, We are now ready to set up our first internal services, to go beyond the idea of “just accessing internet”.

The next milestone I hope to discuss soon in the community, but possibly it will include more uplinks, extended set of services and shifting towards mesh topology.

If you are as enthusiastic about this developments as I am, stay tuned. Soon we will publish some hints what help from you would be appreciated.

About Petros

A storyteller, witness of history, Bookchinite and liberatory technologist. Educator, writer, constructor. Unemployable urban poor who works for humanity unpaid and lives on donations. Not affiliated with any official political group. Lives in Greece, in a metaphorical barrel, emitting strange sounds (mostly over the Internet). Sometimes happens to turn stories into reality. Tech-wise: infrastructure freak. Hopelessly fascinated with material engineering. Self-proclaimed anarchist. ENTJ. Website: Freelab -- researching freedom since 2012
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