Things to do about fake Chinese telepathy: Toilet paper

Toilet paper is easy and people like it, so use a lot!

Telepathy must be taught in a particular order. A lot of the early lessons are ethical and teach when and how to apply what’s taught later, so that telepaths aren’t taught to shoot before learning how to aim, as it were, and make only a minimum of mistakes.

But there are a few lessons that are safe for anyone, no matter what their ethical foundation. Knowers might find these interesting.

Imaginary thinking and toilet paper

To use imaginary thinking, think “Imagine that… ” or “I wonder if…” or “Could it be…” or “What if, wouldn’t it be funny if…?” or something similar before thinking whatever else. Instead of thinking, “This is the case,” think “Did you ever wonder if this is the case?”

In imaginary thinking, absolutely anything goes. You can and should speculate and wonder about whatever you want, as long as it is imaginary. Many Readers think only in imaginary thinking to avoid confusion and mistakes. Knowers can try this.

Readers call these little phrases that introduce imaginary thinking “toilet paper” because they keep things clean. (Readers say telepathically sharing your thoughts, any kind of thoughts, with someone else is like handing them your poop. You can at least also give them some toilet paper.)

Everytime Readers think something nonimaginary–something that acts like a real conclusion — they run through a little checklist to make sure it has the right structure and is received properly. This is not necessary with imaginary thinking.

They know what they did

No body wants to be that voice on the phone…

There is a saying to remember when someone makes a mistake or offends you. (Sometimes people offend you correctly, if you have made a mistake for example.)

They know what they did.

Once a person realizes they have made a mistake or offended you, there is no reason to tell them that they have, because they already know that they have. 

Since you aren’t informing them (telling them something new), if you do insist on telling them what they did, you are just going to sound like a jerk. This means that often you won’t need to say anything at all about someone’s mistake, because typically people catch their mistakes pretty quickly by themselves.