Forest Of Dean Miners And World War 1

Coal On The One Hand - Men On The Other
Coal On The One Hand – Men On The Other

As World War 1 went on, workers in many industries were effected by the government’s desperate attempts to conscript more and more men into the army. Locally, one group of workers who strongly objected to their treatment by the government were the coal miners in the Forest Of Dean. They were also severely critical of part played by their local union leadership in sending men to the front. In August 1917 the miners passed three resolutions.

That we, the Forest of Dean Miners, enter our most emphatic protest against the agent for committing us to the comb-out scheme before first of all ascertaining the view of the miners of the Forest of Dean”.

That we, the Forest of Dean miners, enter our most emphatic protest against the comb-out scheme which we entirely repudiate, having regard to the fact that we were never consulted.”

That we, the Forest of Dean miners, call upon the various Trade Unions of this country to take the necessary steps with the view to ascertaining the views of the workers of all countries to negotiate an immediate an honourable peace”.

Bristol Radical History Group have published a book by Ian Wright entitled ‘Coal On One Hand, Men On The Other – The Forest of Dean Miners’ Association and the First World War 1910 – 1920‘ looking at these events. A valuable read for anyone interested in the role of workers in opposing the war.

For more details (including where to buy) follow this link