A public meeting presented by Bristol Radical History Group and Remembering the Real World War 1.
Date: Tuesday July 14th
Time: 7.30pm
Venue: Hydra Bookshop, 34 Old Market, Bristol, BS2 0EZ
Map: Here
Speaker: Robert Griffiths – General Secretary of Communist Party of Britain and Labour Historian
Facebook: Here
Among the resistance to World War 1 and its effects on the home front were strikes and industrial disputes. One of the largest of these started on July 15th 1915 – 250,000 Welsh miners launched a strike for higher pay at a time when their coal was powering British warships in the middle of the war. The miners defied the coalowners, the government, the law, the king and their own leaders. Why? Come and hear about this important dispute, its part in a fuller understanding of World War 1 and what lessons can be learnt for today.
You can download the flyer from here
For more information email rememberingrealww1@gmail.com