The Somme – From Both Sides Of The Wire

British Soldiers ‘Going Over the Top’ At The Battle Of The Somme

Apologies for postponement from last month. The event details are now:

Date: Mon 3rd July, 2017
Time: 8:00 pm
Venue: The Cube, Dove Street South, Bristol, BS2 8JD
Price: £5/£4
Map & Directions:

Tickets can be booked on the Cube website at,9377/

This BBC series, shown last year, used original research in German military archives to look at long-standing assumptions and prevailing myths about the what happened in the most iconic battle of the First World War. We are showing the final programme, End Game which questions the broadly accepted idea that the Somme campaign was the ‘decisive victory’, British Commander in Chief Douglas Haig claimed it to be. It examines the revealingly different military cultures of the British and Germany armies, not just in terms of their contrasting tactics but in their attitudes to military discipline, showing how the British executed more than ten times as many deserters as the Germans.

The film will be introduced by Michael Poole, its executive producer, who recently retired from the BBC. He was the executive producer and often the initiator of an impressive list of arts and documentary programmes including ‘Empire of the Tsars’, ‘Being the Brontes’ and the long running ‘Timeshift’ series.

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