Alice Wheeldon Play Comes To Bristol

Pacifists & Protesters

A couple of years ago Remembering The Real World War 1 held a meeting ‘Justice For Alice Wheeldon’. Chloe Mason – Alice’s great-grand-daughter – and Sheila Rowbotham told the story of the framing of Alice and her family for conspiracy to murder David Lloyd George in 1917 and the campaign to get her pardoned.

Now the Gloucester Theatre Company are staging a show ‘Pacifists & Protesters‘  This is made up of a new play ‘A Dangerous Woman‘ telling Alice’s story and a devised presentation, inspired by the words of poets, pacifists and other protesters. It comes to the Redgrave Theatre in Bristol on February 13th & 14th.

You can find full details, including how to book tickets on the Gloucester Theatre Company website.

Gloucester Theatre Company’s Facebook page is here.

For more information email

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