National Festival Comes To Bristol

Commemoration, Conflict & Conscience 2019

Next spring, Bristol will host a national festival which is the culmination of the year-long ‘COMMEMORATION, CONFLICT and CONSCIENCE‘ project. Focusing on the First World War then and now, the project will look at conscientious objectors to military service, strikes, mutinies, desertion and absenteeism, the men executed by the British military and the Shot at Dawn campaign which fought for them to be pardoned, the global reach of the war, colonial and commonwealth experiences, women’s peace activism, along with legacy, peace-building & alienation from commemoration.

There will be free events across the city , with films, performances, exhibitions and talks. Groups and individuals will come from across the country to showcase the work they have been doing during the centenary of World War 1.

The project and festival is funded by the Arts & Humanities Research Council. The festival is timed to coincide with the centenary of the release of many absolutist conscientious objectors from prison in April 1919.

Details will be unveiled over the coming months but you can see more information on the project’s website here, including how you can get involved, especially if you have your own project you would like to make part of the festival.

You can keep up to date with the project on Facebook here and on Twitter here

For more information email

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