Central Library Talk On Conscientious Objectors

The (free) lunchtime talk at the Central Library on Thursday April 19th is by Lois Bibbings, Professsor of Law, Gender and History at the University of Bristol and member of Remembering the Real World War 1.

Refusing to Kill – Bristol’s WW1 Conscientious Objectors

Over 350 men from the Bristol area refused to fight in World War 1. They claimed the status of conscientious objector for moral, religious or political reasons. Some agreed to take non-military roles. Others spent much of the war in prison, often under harsh conditions. This illustrated talk tells the stories of these men and the people in the city who supported them.

Date: Thursday 19th April

Venue: Bristol Central Library,  College Green, Bristol BS1 5TL

Time: 12.30pm to 1.20pm

You can book for the talk on the Library’s Eventbritepage at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/lunchtime-lectures-tickets-37847781734

For more information email rememberingrealww1@gmail.com

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