For many years there was just the one Anarchist Bookfair in London. It started way back in the eighties and was on its own, keeping the flame of libertarian dissent burning. Recently though there have been Bookfairs all over the country and abroad too. Northern England already has two in Manchester & Salford and Sheffield, now this weekend it’s the turn of Bradford.
The plan is to alternate between the cities of Bradford and Leeds and the first one is at The 1 in 12 Club, 21-23 Albion Street, Bradford BD1 2LY on Saturday 27 September. Stalls and speakers from 10.30-4.30pm, followed by films from 5.00-7.00. Entry is free and there’s a vegan café too.
Renowned author and academic, Uri Gordon, will be speaking about his book Anarchists against the Wall, which describes radicals involved in resistance against the occupation of Palestine. The book is published by AK Press who also have a stall. Uri Gordon will be speaking and taking questions at 2.30pm. Other speakers include local author Sarah Bradley and long-standing 1in12 club member Matt Hannam.
There will be bands and performers on Friday and Saturday evenings, including Blyth Power, Zounds and Atilla the Stockbroker. Cost is £4 members, £5 guests on Friday and £5 members, £6 guests on Saturday. Proceeds will go to the Marie Curie Hospice in Bradford.
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