The original and biggest of all the @bookfairs is back on Saturday 28 October. Following last year’s successful move to Tottenham, it’s once again taking place at Park View School, West Green Road, London, N15 3QR, from 10am-7pm. Nearest tubes are Seven Sisters (Victoria Line) or Turnpike Lane (Piccadilly line). Each is about 15 minutes walk from the venue or there are plenty of buses. And as usual admission is free.
The Bookfair is much more than about books – although there will be loads of them there – it’s a smorgasbord of different organisations and publishers on the libertarian left, from those you will already know to ones you may have never heard of. The range of stalls is breathtaking. The ALF Supporters Group, the HSA and Earth First! are regulars as well as more straightforwardly anarchist groups such as the Anarchist Federation and Anarchist Black Cross.
Meetings or workshops are the focal point of every Bookfair and this years is no exception. The diversity is remarkable with The Cult of Corbyn, Anarchism & Religion, After Grenfell, Dismantling the Prison Industrial Complex, Is the Working Class Movement Dead?, Anarchist Experience in North Africa and Sea Urchins: An anarchist perspective on sailing as possible highlights.
This year there are no less than four vegan caterers on site so as well as a anarchist festival, it will be like a mini-vegan festival too. North London Food Not Bombs, The Tipsy Black Sheep, Cafe So Vegan and Veggies Catering Campaign will all be keeping the hungry masses fed.
In addition there will be music, film and cabaret and a children’s space which is open from 10am-6pm for kids aged 2-12. In addition there are not one by two afterparties: a punky/folky one and a jungle, dubstep, hiphop one.
You don’t have to be an anarchist to come and enjoy this event. As the website says:
Bookfairs provide a space where like-minded people can come together to re-affirm old friendships, make new ones, discuss all things anarchist and anticapitalist and start planning the future revolution. They’re also one of the public faces of anarchism. Anyone unfamiliar with the ideas or wanting to know more about the politics can come along, look through books, sit in or get involved in meetings, workshops and discussions or just chat to the groups and organisations having stalls there.
See you there!!
http://anarchistbookfair.org.uk https://www.facebook.com/LondonAnarchistBookfair/ @anokbookfair
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