27 April: World Day for Animals in Laboratories Protest in Oxford

This year’s demonstration is being jointly organised by WDAIL and Speak – the voice of the animals. The target is Oxford University which has a long and infamous record of inflicting pain and suffering on animals in its laboratories. In fact an investigation by the Animal Justice Project found that over 220,000 animals were killed at Oxford University, more than any other educational institution in the UK: https://animaljusticeproject.com/million-lives/

Saturday 27 April: World Day for Animals in Laboratories Protest against vivisection at Oxford University, where more animals are killed than in any other university in the UK
Meet 12 noon Oxpens Park, Oxpens Road, Oxford OX1 1RQ. Stalls, speakers and refreshments followed by a march thru the city centre. 
worldday2019@gmail.com   www.wdail.uk 

Speak was formed in 2004 to oppose the building of a new animal laboratory in Oxford. The campaign was so successful that for 16 months work on the new site ground to a standstill. Eventually, however, it went ahead and the building was completed, years behind schedule and millions over budget. Since then protests against vivisection at Oxford university have continued and there is a regular demonstration on Thursday afternoons. http://speakcampaigns.org

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