Message from political prisoner Debbie Vincent

Debbie was one of nine people arrested in Bristol for taking part in a Gateway to Hell protest

Debbie Vincent from SHAC was sentenced to six years in April after being found guilty of conspiracy to blackmail. She is the latest in a long line of activists to be gaoled for campaigning against the notorious contract testing laboratory Huntingdon Life Sciences.

This article from Corporate Watch entitled “If you don’t fight, you’ve already lost” (a quote from Debbie) explains the background to the case and how the state used an undercover police officer posing as company executive for the drugs giant Novartis in a sting operation against her.

Here is a letter from Debbie. Her address is at the bottom and she would like to receive messages of support. You can send a stamped address envelope and books of stamps if you wish but please do not expect to receive a reply.

Saturday 28th June 2014


Firstly I have to apologise for not writing back to everyone that has sent me letters and cards. The love, support and solidarity is truly awesome and very humbling. I have quite a backlog to reply to, but I very much appreciate receiving them.

The whole court case and sentence is still very surreal to me. My solicitors have lodged an appeal against my sentence, but that will take a few months.

The first ten days in prison were a bit boring as I was locked up a lot. But now that I do morning and afternoon activities, the time passes quicker. I keep busy with doing short educational courses and going to the gym. I’ve just  finished doing a three week health and fitness course. I’m keeping busy and staying positive.

I have had my charge hanging over me for the past seven years. I was arrested back in 2007 for the same thing, though I wasn’t charged then. The three police raids from December 2010 and January 2013 didn’t effect my resolve that places like HLS must and will be resigned to the history books, along with all other capitalist and destructive industries that put profit, destruction and misery before compassion and the respect of ALL life.

Being in prison is a very different experience for individuals depending on their circumstances (and what country they are in). Although being in prison is a crap situation to be in and I greatly miss all nature, my friends, my liberty (of course) and those simple little things that make life fuller. But prison life in the UK isn’t dire. I have food, water and shelter (more than many millions) and there is little risk of violence or death (unlike those trillions of victims caused by war, famine, governments, environmental destruction and those in slaughter-houses, labs etc, across the world). So compared to countless others, I consider myself very lucky. They may have imprisoned my body, but I will always be in control of my thoughts and I will make the best of my imprisonment and situation.

There are very few vegans in prison and even less anarchists. My fellow prisoners are from all walks of life and are aged between 18 − 65 years old and even though they’re thrown together under stressful conditions, they generally get on. Most arguments that happen are because of misdirected frustration and the lack of control in their lives. Many are not prepared mentally or physically for prison and are ripped away from their young families and loved ones.

I’m hoping to become a listener and be trained by the Samaritans, so hopefully I’ll be of some help to others in need while I’m here.

I’ve not planned an long-term education for now, as I have another court case, ( see in September – October at Southwark Crown Court in London with six other fellow campaigners. Once I have a better idea of where I stand after my appeal and the outcome of the second trial, I can make more plans then.

I have seen and experienced a lot in the past twenty-plus years of campaigning. I’m very humbled and proud to know so many great compassionate and resolute people that they try to make this mad world a better place for all every day. Never loose hope and keep on trying. I love you all.

Love and Liberation,

Debbie XXX

Debbie Vincent A5819DE, HMP Bronzefield, Woodthorpe Road, Ashford, Middlesex TW15 3JZ

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