After a gap of two months, Red Black Green returns. I had a rest from blogging and recharged my batteries. A lot has happened since May: the ramping up of austerity and ongoing resistance to it; the implosion of Labour followed by the unlikely rise of Jeremy Corbyn (who used to be my MP); the failed attempt to change the Hunting Act and the ongoing threat of the resumption of badger culls; and the decision to grant permission for a new beagle breeding facility in East Yorkshire. There have been many other stories as well.
There’s a new look too. I’d been thinking of changing the theme but this was eventually forced on me as the old theme was removed by Network 23 as it was “vulnerable to a potential attack called cross-site scripting”. Don’t ask me what that means but it’s all to the good as the new appearance is a big improvement. This problem has also led to the comment facility being switched off but hopefully there will be an upgrade to the site in the near future which will allow comments to be switched on again.
So – as the old saying goes – it’s on with the show!