Une contribution à un projet d’abécédaire post-virus.
Une faille, a crack, le virus a-t’il ouvert une brèche? Ha comentado una luz: “Eso era un puro regalo”. Blessed are the cracks for they let in the light. Lo estamos dando muchas vueltas: les virus et les humains, these are stories of broken surfaces, of torn membranes, of exploded taxonomies. The krax in the pavement – they trip you up or send you trippin?
De un lado, la escala enorme de la pandemia, the enormity of its violence, contrasted por el otro lado by its own minusculity. The terrifying moves of states and firms approvechando de la situacion. Artifically manufacturing imaginary kracks, exploiting real needs to justify their sly business of totalitarian akin power grabs.. pas la première catastrophe globale, mais la première partagée si intimement with so many on the planet. Las grietas del miedo? Connected by affect? Del otro lado, un virus, invisible, ingérable, incontrolable, minute, por dentro, part of us.
Resulta que, emocionalmente, somos terrorizadas a l’incommensurabilité de la situation and dizzy from the possibilities it opened, the emergency break has finally been pushed, aunque solo por un rato. And they are ignoring it. Pushing us to continue at full speed, with the breaks pushed down to the max. Should make for some good grooves that, innit?
The nooks and crannies post-virus ne seront peut etre pas ce basculement that we are craving for. Pero, liminality bruv! There’s not only one world, there’s loads of them. Et les frontières sont poreuses, debiles, mortelles, fabricadas, well guarded, mouvantes, impénetrables. On a vu de la lumière alors on est rentré. Capaciousness de las grietas, carrying shaky little lights, see what can grow…