Resist the drone wars – Public meeting and discussion – Wednesday Jan 29th, 7pm, Cowley Club, Brighton

Yosra Al Showa - Killed in an Israeli drone strike on her home onNovember 20 2012
Yosra Al Showa – Killed in an Israeli drone strike on her home on November 20 2012

“If they just knew for a second what a weapon can do, what it costs us I think they would stop. I think they have no souls, when they look at the TV and see the news did they see the people killed by these drones, how did they feel? If they just came here for one night and heard the bombing and the planes and the drones – I don’t know what they would feel – I think they should come here and live our experience in war and they would understand”

Ridda Abu Znaid, who watched as her sister and cousin were killed by an Israeli drone strike in the Gaza strip in 2009 speaking about the companies who manufacture drones

Resist the drone wars – Public meeting and discussion, 7pm Wednesday 29th January 2014, The Cowley Club, 12 London Road, Brighton, ALL WELCOME

Corporate Watch have recently visited Gaza to research Israeli drone attacks. Drones were the weapon that caused the most deaths during the Israeli attack on Gaza in 2012. But the Israeli drone industry is profitable as well as deadly. Israeli arms companies, profiting from their experience gained by committing war crimes against the people of Gaza, have sold drone technology to 49 countries around the world. Israeli company Elbit are working with the UK government to develop a British drone. Come and hear the stories of those at the receiving end of drone technology and find out how you can join the campaign to make sure Elbit don’t profit any further from the bloodshed they have caused in Gaza.

To read more about Israel’s drones click here.

Smash EDO will speak about the campaign to close down EDO MBM, the Brighton arms factory. EDO is owned by ITT Exelis which markets equipment used on UK and US drones.

Download a PDF of the flyer for the event here


Halloween – The Day Of The Dead…

Every year the victims of the arms trade rise from the grave and haunt the Brighton arms factory. This year they were joined by grim reapers, Satan and Abu Ghraib torture prisoners…

On Halloween, the day to remember the dead, we reminded EDO of those who are killed by components made on our doorstep. In Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Libya, Palestine, Pakistan and Yemen, people have lost family members, friends, people they love, because of imperialist aims at grabbing resources and power, and because of arms companies whose interests lie in more invasions, more death, more destruction, more heartbreak.

As EDO workers left the building, they were met with chants of “blood on your hands, shame on you”.

Every bomb that is dropped, every bullet that is fired in the name of this war of terror, has to be made somewhere. And wherever that is, it can be resisted.

Halloween Demo! 31st October 4pm at EDO

Every year the victims of the components made at the EDO MBM factory rise from the grave and lurch toward the Brighton arms manufacturer in search of revenge and living flesh…
We will be demonstrating again on 31st October, 4-6pm, at the EDO arms factory, Home Farm Road, Brighton. Dress in Halloween costume and bring some noise (musical instruments, pots, pans)!
Millions are killed every year in military conflict, from the more-than-a-decade occupation of Afghanistan, which has brought nothing but death and turmoil to the people of the country, to the Israeli state occupation and apartheid against the people of Palestine to the US’s covert drone attacks in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia. Military companies are benefiting from these bloody conflicts while the net result of all this is to maintain the current status quo — global domination by a handful of capitalist states.
Join us.

Don’t let the arms dealers dine in peace

DSEi Arms dealers’ “charity” dinner- you couldn’t make it up!

Meet 6.30pm, Thursday September 12,

Troxy, 490 Commercial Rd, E1 OHX

Follow @DisarmDsei on Twitter for updates on the day

Whilst the US and its allies are teetering on the edge of military action in Syria, the DSEi arms fair is happy to arm either side. When it comes to world wide arm sales, it’s all about the powerful making a killing.

The UK is pouring arms into Saudi Arabia – chief sponsor of the Syrian jihadists. There will be a Saudi delegation shopping for military equipment at Excel this week, whilst Rosoboron Export, Russia’s state arms export agency which supplies weapons to Assad, will be there as well. And, if Assad was indeed the one using the chemical weapons, the fact is that the UK government also approved the sale of the necessary chemicals to the Syrian regime.

On Thursday September 12th, assorted DSEi arms dealers are gathering at the Troxy to raise money for wounded British soldiers by hosting a boxing competition by the Army Boxing Association and charity auction. We say that there’d be a lot less wounded squaddies if the arms traders stuffing their faces weren’t selling weapons to anyone who’ll buy them.

Squaddies get some sort of choice about going to war. The inhabitants of the countries where the arms are ending up don’t! In the end, the only people getting fat from the arms trade (£2500 a table anyone?) are the arms dealers themselves.

Lets give them the kind of welcome they deserve!

Stop the War on Syria – Stop the Arms Fair – Demonstrate 4pm Tues 3rd September

DEMONSTRATE Tues 3rd September – 4-6pm, EDO Arms Factory, Home Farm Rd, Brighton

Resist the attack on Syria

No to imperialist wars and the companies that profit from them

Stop the arms fair

On the morning of Friday 30th September the House of Commons vote for war with Syria was defeated in parliament. However, the US and France are
still talking about taking military action. An attack will have disastrous
consequences for the people of Syria and beyond. Some of the weapons used by both the US and France if they do launch an attack will, most likely,
be supplied by the EDO factory in Brighton as EDO holds export licenses to
both countries.

From September 9th the world’s largest arms fair will be taking place in
London. Representatives of EDO will be peddling their wares to dictators
and despots from all over the world.

Come and show your anger outside the EDO factory. Bring pots and pans to make yourself heard. The best way to support the struggles for freedom
from oppression and imperialism being waged globally is to target those
who supply the means of oppression.

Smash /

Resist the attack on Syria – Destroy the arms trade

DEMONSTRATE Tues 3rd September – 4-6pm, EDO Arms Factory, Home Farm Rd,
Brighton (directions here)

Resist the attack on Syria

No to imperialist wars and the companies that profit from them

Stop the arms fair

Cameron and his cronies are pushing hard for an attack on Syria. This isn’t because of any genuine concern for the victims of Assad’s regime or support for freedom for the Syrian people. Instead the reason for the involvement of the UK and its allies is a cynical desire to exert greater control over the region. An attack will have disastrous consequences for the people of Syria and beyond. Some of the weapons used by UK forces will be supplied by the EDO factory.

From September 9th the world’s largest arms fair will be taking place in London. Representatives of EDO will be peddling their wares to dictators and despots from all over the world.

Come and show your anger outside the EDO factory. Bring pots and pans to make yourself heard. The best way to support the struggles for freedom from oppression and imperialism being waged globally is to target those who supply the means of oppression.

Smash EDO /

Call for the September 8th Occupy DSEi mass action- from the Stop the Arms Fair coalition

In 2011 all across the world people took to the streets in from Greece to Spain from Egypt to New York. These uprisings where the first glimpse of a global movement against political and economic injustice. In 2013 the movement continues and has spread to Turkey and Brazil where people face brutal state repression.

Many of the weapons being used against the people in these countries are made by British companies, and sold with the support of the UK government, in a trade subsidised by the taxpayer. All of this in the midst of devastating cuts to public services in the UK.

This September international weapons companies will be meeting warmongers and human rights abusers at one of the world’s largest arms fairs to make the deals that will send deadly weapons around the world to repress the 99%. From the tear gas in Turkey, Egypt and Brazil to the weapons of the Syrian Assad Regime the DSEI Arms Fair is a global showroom of bloodshed and profit.

Come and create a mass action against the arms fair in solidarity with the international struggles for justice.

Sunday, September the 8th 12noon

Near the Excel Centre, which hosts the arms fair.

The meeting point will be announced on Saturday 7th September at 12 noon in the following places:

Infoline: 07766 323978

Twitter: @stopthearmsfair

FB event:


What to bring: Friends, banners, music, food, fun, water, costumes, drums..

Keep updated at:

Callout to Stop the DSEi arms Fair – Mass Action 8th September 2013

The government is welcoming the world’s worst human rights abusing regimes to shop for weapons in London. WHAT WILL YOU DO? A massive arms fair is planned to take place in the UK in September 2013. The UK government plans to invite human rights abusing regimes, such as Algeria, Bahrain, Colombia, Saudi Arabia and Vietnam, to the London arms fair to court them and sell them weapons. The US and UK will seek the next generation of weapons for their wars, while the arms companies aim to set the agenda for more exorbitant military spending. The arms fair brings together 28,000 international buyers and sellers. The deals that begin here fuel the arms trade the world over. Death, injury, fear and repression are exported from the arms companies on our doorstep. We can make a difference When the fair took place in 2011, we challenged the opening night arms dealers’ reception at the National Gallery. One year later we put an end to an arms company’s sponsorship of the National Gallery. Start taking action now! Email your MP to demand the government doesn’t welcome arms companies and human rights abusers to do business in London. Book a workshop on the arms fair for your town or campaign group. Find your nearest arms fair exhibitor and let them know that their business will not go unchallenged. Come along to the direct action training on 17 August. Get in touch if you’d like help planning transport to London for the fair, or arranging somewhere to stay. Take action to stop the arms fair A massive week of action is planned from 7-14 September to expose the arms fair and make its business as difficult as possible. If you only do one thing, join us on Sunday 8th September for a huge protest as arms dealers arrive and try to set up at the fair. Put the dates in your diary now. Saturday 7th September – Musical protest at the ExCel centre, 2pm-5pm Sunday 8 September – Huge protest as arms dealers arrive and try to set up at the fair If you only do one thing, come to this protest, and bring your friends too! Monday 9 September – Say no to Drones and a Silent Vigil Tuesday 10 September – Greet the arms dealers Wednesday 11 September – Laying a Wreath for the victims of the arms trade Thursday 12 September – Don’t let them dine in peace! …plus whatever exciting action you’d like to plan!