Down the drones

A few of us held a demo at EDO as part of the Drone Wars UK week of action against the beginning of the piloting of British unmanned aircraft from the UK. ITT Exelis, the owner of the Brighton factory, is a manufacturer of components for unmanned drones.

Alarmingly drones WILL be operating on British soil from next month.

Please watch and *circulate* this very short (homemade) film about drones explaining what they are and why we need to stop them –

Basically drones are a form of remote controlled killing: British military currently in a base outside Las Vegas are dropping remote controlled bombs on Afghanistan, on targets who are more often than not civilians.

The week of action against drones starts THIS Saturday, there’s a peace walk across Lincolnshire protesting against the opening of the first drone base on British soil at RAF Waddington.

more info at