Activists remember the victims of 'Operation Pillar of Defence' outside the gates of EDO

On Wednesday December 12th activists named those who died in Gaza during ‘Operation Pillar of Defence’ outside the gates of EDO MBM, the design authority for the VER-2 bomb rack, used on the Israeli F16. The company is also engaged in supplying bomb release components to Lockheed Martin in the US for the F35 fighter plane, which the Israeli military has agreed to buy from the US company.

‘Operation Pillar of Defence’ began with an extrajudicial assassination of a Hamas official by the Israeli military, along with those accompanying him. The strikes went on to attack civilian apartment blocks and several buildings which housed the Palestinian and international media, prompting Sky News journalist Sam Kiley, who was caught up in the attack, to say that “he believes the incident demonstrates that no civilian in Gaza can feel safe”.

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The killings of the Al Dalu family exemplify the brutality of the attacks and the pain and suffering they have caused. On November 18th seven members of the Al Dalu family, including a seven year old boy, their two neighbours and at least nine other civilians were killed.

The names of the Palestinian people who died during the operation can be found here

A video of Gazan activists reading out the names of those killed can be seen here

Andrew Beckett, spokesperson for Smash EDO said “EDO MBM are involved in supplying the arms used by the Israeli military in attacks like the attack on the Dalu family. They are complicit in Israeli war crimes and in the suffering of the people of Gaza. On December 12th we are calling on people to come and remember those killed in the attacks outside the factory gates and to read out their names to remind the workers at EDO of the results of their labour.”